AT SOUTH BEACH PENINSULA

     (which includes the OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center, 
         Oregon Coast Aquarium, and South Beach Marina)

                   by Range D. Bayer

         (This is a condensation of Gahmken Guide No. 2.)

  Yr  number of calendar years in which a species was recorded.

                         ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE CODES
  First  first date that a species was noted,
  Last  last date that a species was recorded,
  .  either there were too few data to determine a First or Last 
          date or some birds were present throughout the year,
  ?  First or Last date during a month is unknown.

                        MONTHLY OCCURRENCE CODES
  X  4 or more years with records in the month indicated, 
  =  2-3 years with records in the month indicated, 
  -  1 year with a record in the month indicated.

SPECIES                  YR FIRST LAST  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Blackbird, Brewer's       2 .     .           -         - -   -
Blackbird, Red-winged       01/23 07/31 
Blackbird, Red-winged    10 09/13 10/18 = X - - - = =   X = - -
Blackbird, Yellow-headed    05/03 06/07 
Blackbird, Yellow-headed  5 08/27 08/28         = -   -
Bluebird, Mountain        1 04/28 04/28       -
Bobolink                  6 09/16 10/18                 X =
Bunting, Lazuli           1 09/18 09/18                 -
Bunting, Snow               03/03 03/03 
Bunting, Snow             3 11/21 11/22     -               =
Bushtit                   8 .     .     = = =   -   - = - X = =
Chickadee, Black-capped   9 .     .     = - =     = X = = = = -
Chickadee, Chest.-backed  3 .     .     - -   -   -
Chickadee, Mountain         03/28 03/31
Chickadee, Mountain       2 10/19 12/07     -             -   -

SPECIES                  YR FIRST LAST  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Cowbird, Brown-headed     9 04/18 10/03       = = = = = - =   -
Crane, Sandhill           1 06/02 06/02           -
Crossbill, Red            2 .     .       - -   -
Crow, American           17 .     .     X X X X X X X X X X X X
Cuckoo, Black-billed      1 09/03 09/03                 -
Dickcissel                1 09/?  09/?                  -
Dove, Mourning              04/18 05/31 
Dove, Mourning            9 09/16 12/07       - X       - = = -
Dove, Rock               13 .     .     = = = X = = = X X = = =
Dove, White-winged        1 10/28 11/04                   - -
Eagle, Bald               3 .     .             - -   -
Falcon, Peregrine         8 .     .     = = = =   - =   - = - -
Finch, House             14 .     .     X X X X X = X X X X X X
Finch, Purple             4 .     .             - - - - =

SPECIES                  YR FIRST LAST  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Flicker, Northern        15 .     .     = = X = =   - = X X X X
  "        " (yellow-shf) 2 .     .       -               -
Flycatcher, Ash-throated  3 .     .               -   -       -
Flycatcher, Olive-sided   2 .     .           -     -
Flycatcher, Willow        2 .     .                 -   -
Goldfinch, American      18 .     .     = =   = X = X X X X = =
Goldfinch, Lesser         1 10/30 10/30                   -
Grosbeak, Black-headed    1 06/03 06/04           -
Grosbeak, Evening         1 05/14 05/14         -
Grouse, Ruffed            1 .     .     -
Gyrfalcon                 1 10/28 12/30                   -   -
Harrier, Northern        13 .     .     X = - X =   = = = X X X
Hawk, Cooper's            2 .     .     -                   - -
Hawk, Red-shouldered      1 10/30 10/30                   -
Hawk, Red-tailed          1 .     .                           -

SPECIES                  YR FIRST LAST  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Hawk, Rough-legged        3 10/27 01/31 -                 - -
Hawk, Sharp-shinned       5 .     .             -       =   = -
Heron, Black-cr. Night-   3 .     .     - - -   -     -   -   =
Heron, Great Blue(roost)  1 .     .                       - -
Heron, Green-b. (roost)   1 .     .               -
Hummingbird, Anna's       4 12/03 03/04   - -                 =
Hummingbird, Rufous       7 03/01 07/09     = = - = - -
Jay, Scrub                3 06/10 06/13           =
Jay, Steller's            5 .     .     -       -       - = -
Junco, Dark-eyed          9 09/26 04/16 = = - = -       - = X =
  "     "(slate-colored)  3 10/21 04/16 - =   -           -   -
Kestrel, American         5 .     .       -     =         =
Killdeer                 10 .     .     = X = X X = = - X = - =
Kingbird, Tropical        5 09/30 11/15                 - = -

SPECIES                  YR FIRST LAST  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Kingbird, Western           04/28 05/29 
Kingbird, Western         9 09/04 09/21       - X - =   =
Kingfisher, Belted       10 .     .     = = = X X = X X X X X =
Kinglet, Golden-crowned   1 .     .       -           -
Kinglet, Ruby-crowned     8 11/18 03/26 X - =               = X
Kite, Black-shouldered    2 04/17 05/02       - -             X
Lark, Horned              2 .     .           -             -
Longspur, Lapland         3 .     .             -       - -
Meadowlark, Western      15 08/16 04/10 X X X = -     = X X X X
Merlin                      04/20 04/20 
Merlin                    6 09/03 10/20       -         = = -
Mockingbird, Northern     4 .     .           - - - -
Nighthawk, Common         7 05/31 08/06         - X - =
Nuthatch, Red-breasted    2 10/03 10/16                   =
Oriole, Northern          1 05/27 05/27         -

SPECIES                  YR FIRST LAST  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Oriole, Orchard           2 09/27 10/11                 - -   
Osprey                    2 08/14 09/19         - -   - -
Owl, Burrowing            1 10/18 10/18                   -
Owl, Great Horned         1 .     .     -
Owl, Short-eared          5 10/02 02/03   - - -           =   -
Owl, Snowy                2 11/06 04/12 - - - -             - -
Pewee, Western Wood-      1 09/20 09/20                 -
Pheasant, Ring-necked     1 11/06 11/07                     -
Phoebe, Black             1 01/03 01/03 -
Phoebe, Say's             2 03/12 04/10     - -
Pipit, American             04/17 05/22 
Pipit, American           7 09/06 09/24       = =       X     -
Plover, Snowy             1 .     .           -
Quail, California         2 04/10 05/02       - -
Raven, Common             2 .     .       -           -

SPECIES                  YR FIRST LAST  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Robin, American          11 .     .     X X X X = = = = - - - =
Sandpiper, Pectoral      13 08/09 11/07               X X X -
Sandpiper, Upland         1 07/23 08/03             - -
Shrike, Loggerhead        1 05/02 05/02         -
Shrike, Northern          4 .     .     - - -             - -
Siskin, Pine              5 .     .     - -     -           - =
Snipe, Common             9 10/18 05/06 - = = = -     -   = - =
Solitaire, Townsend's     1 01/31 01/31 -
Sparrow, American Tree    1 03/07 03/07     -
Sparrow, Chipping         2 .     .     -   -           -
Sparrow, Fox              7 09/18 03/26 = - =           = = = =
Sparrow, Golden-crowned  15 09/03 05/03 X X X X =     - X X X X
Sparrow, House            5 .     .       -   - = - - -
Sparrow, Lincoln's        6 .     .     -   - =   -     =   - -

SPECIES                  YR FIRST LAST  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Sparrow, Savannah        19 03/31 11/30     - X X = X X X X X =
Sparrow, Song            17 .     .     X X X X X = X = X X X X
Sparrow, Swamp            1 01/02 01/02 -
Sparrow, Vesper           1 06/20 06/20           -
Sparrow, White-crowned   16 .     .     X X X X X X X X X X X X
Sparrow, White-throated   5 10/21 02/14 - -               = = =
Starling, European       18 .     .     X X X X X = = X X X X X
Swallow, Barn            17 04/06 09/30       X X = X X X
Swallow, Cliff            4 .     09/24     -       - - -
Swallow, Tree             5 03/04 07/09     - = - - -
Swallow, Violet-green    13 03/24 09/21     = X X = = = =
Swift, Black              2 .     .                 -   -
Swift, Vaux's             2 05/06 .             -       -
Tanager, Western          2 .     .             -       -

SPECIES                  YR FIRST LAST  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Thrasher, Sage            2 04/04 05/02       - -
Thrush, Hermit            3 .     .       - - -           -
Thrush, Swainson's        3 05/24 06/19         = -   -     
Thrush, Varied            4 .     .     - =   -               -
Towhee, Rufous-sided     10 .     .     = = X X X = - = X X X X
Veery                     1 05/30 05/30         -
Vireo, Hutton's           1 04/21 04/21       -
Vulture, Turkey           5 04/18 09/12       = = - - = -
Warbler, Black-thr. Gray  2 04/21 .           -       - -
Warbler, MacGillivray's   2 05/04 05/18         =
Warbler, Nashville        3 .     .     - - -   -
Warbler, Orange-crowned   9 04/10 05/16       X = - - -
Warbler, Palm            19 09/21 04/14 X = X =         = X X X
Warbler, Prairie          1 09/27 09/27                 -

SPECIES                  YR FIRST LAST  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Warbler, Townsend's       2 .     .       -                   -
Warbler, Wilson's         5 04/17 .           - = - =   =
Warbler, Yellow           5 05/16 .             = -   - -
Warbler, Yellow-rumped   10 10/03 04/23 X = X =       -   = = =
Waxwing, Cedar            8 05/16 10/03   -     - = X X = - -
Wren, Bewick's            9 08/19 04/17 = - = -     - - X X X =
Wren, Marsh               7 10/05 01/31 =       -         = - =
Wren, Winter              4 10/04 02/25   =   -           =
Wrentit                   5 .     .         - -     -   -     =
Yellowthroat, Common      7 09/04 10/19           -     X =

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