1991 Annotated Checklist of Terrestrial Birds at the South Beach Peninsula, Lincoln County, Oregon.

by Range D. Bayer. January 1991. Gahmken Guide No. 2.
Last update: 10 August 2009

Copyright (c) 1991 by Range D. Bayer. Without charge, permission is freely given to anyone to use any means to copy part or all of this material as long as the publication citation given above is credited as the source.

ADDITION TO ORIGINAL PRINTED VERSION.--In the summer of 1996, the House of Almerik restaurant and the Monterey cypress trees surrounding it were torn down and a motel constructed.

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PRINT AND ELECTRONIC VERSIONS.--The printed version was 24 pages long, with each page about 5.5 in wide by 8.5 in long; I have preserved the line width of 67 characters (columns) or less. I hand-drew in lines between rows and columns.

++++=comment lines that were not in print version

In Fig. 1, I have added the approximate latitude and longitude for the center of this area, and the Oregon Natural Heritage Program Hexagon number.

The printed version included four photos. Unfortunately, it is not feasible to include the photos along with this ASCII text electronic version because of large file sizes and diminished image quality. To see or to obtain a photocopy of the photograph(s):

1) contact me to see if you can send me a business-sized stamped, self-addressed envelope in which I can return a photocopy

2) see a copy that I donated to the Newport, Toledo, Lincoln City, Siletz, and Waldport Public Libraries and the Marine Science Center and Valley (formerly Kerr) Libraries of Oregon State University in 1991, but it is in OSU cataloguing backlog and not in their circulating collection as of 1 July 1996.

++++ The South Beach Peninsula has sometimes recently been called+++
++++ the Newport Peninsula by Newport officials. ++++++++++

1991 Annotated Checklist of Terrestrial Birds at the South Beach Peninsula, Lincoln County, Oregon.

Range D. Bayer

January 1991

Gahmken Guide No. 2.

Gahmken Press, P.O. Box 1467, Newport, Oregon 97365


                 Birds fly out of the pigeon-holes
                        they are placed in,
                  if one learns much about them.


European Starlings perched on overhead wires between the HMSC and Oregon Coast Aquarium. Although starlings and House Finches often roost on these wires, these wires should also be scrutinized for other birds such as Tropical Kingbirds.

++++  Note that these overhead wires were removed by 1996.  +++++++++

Front Cover


FIGURE 1. South Beach Peninsula and nearby areas. The area included in this Checklist is overlaid with dots.

SBIP=South Beach (Newport) Industrial Park


++++  This material was not in the printed version. ++++++++++++++++++
++++  Approx. Center of Site: 44 37.3' N, 124 02.7' W         ++++++++
++++  Location: Township 11S, Range 12W, Sections 16 and 17     ++++++++
++++  Oregon Natural Heritage Program Hexagon: 27,176         ++++++++
++++  Area Studied: ?                                         ++++++++
++++  Habitat(s) Studied: Terrestrial, Salt Marsh             ++++++++
++++  Elevation: less than 40 ft (less than 12 m)             ++++++++
++++  Minimum Distance to Coastline: about 0.6 mi (1.0 km)    ++++++++

FIGURE 2. Detailed view of South Beach Peninsula. Arrows indicate the western and southern borders of the area classed as the Peninsula in this Checklist.

This figure is based on a 1988 aerial photo in CH2M Hill (1989:Fig. B-4) and a copy of the OCA Master Plan, so the size and positioning of some of the buildings and parking lots more recently constructed or in the process of being constructed at the HMSC and Oregon Coast Aquarium are rough estimates and may be inaccurate.

APTS=HMSC Apartments
HMSC=Oregon State University Hatfield Marine Science Center
OCA=Oregon Coast Aquarium
ODFW=Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Ore-Aqua=Oregon Aqua-Foods [now defunct]
Restaurant=House of Almerik [torn down and motel being constructed in 1996]
SBIP=South Beach (Newport) Industrial Park
SBM=South Beach Marina
Trailer Park=Sportsman's Trailer Park


This Checklist explores the difficulties in categorizing the terrestrial birds of the South Beach Peninsula (Fig. 1). It updates bird records compiled through 1981 for the Peninsula that were published in the August 1984 "Sandpiper," a publication of Yaquina Birders and Naturalists.

AREA.--The South Beach Peninsula (Fig. 1) is a term not frequently used, but its use is not unprecedented (e.g., South Beach EIS 1976:11, CH2M Hill 1989:page 5-11). South Beach Peninsula is used in this Checklist because it best describes the entire area for which terrestrial bird records are included.

The South Beach Peninsula comprises the Oregon State University Mark O. Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC), South Beach offices of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), Oregon Aqua-Foods (Ore-Aqua), South Beach Marina, Oregon Coast Aquarium, House of Almerik Restaurant, and Sportsman's Trailer Park (Fig. 2). Until at least the fall of 1990, the financially beset Ore-Aqua was a salmon smolt-rearing/release site and recapture/holding site for adult salmon. The Peninsula also encompasses land south to the South Beach Industrial Park, and west to the Highway 101 Bridge (Figs. 1 and 2).

The South Beach Peninsula consists of roads, parking lots, buildings, abandoned log ponds, man-made fish ponds at Ore-Aqua, salt marshes, terrestrially vegetated areas, and bare sand above the high tide line. This Checklist only includes records of birds at terrestrial and salt marsh areas, not ponds or tideflats.

AREA CHANGE.--The South Beach Peninsula is continually being shaped by people. As of 1972, about 62% of the 172 acres at the tip of the Peninsula had received dredged fill (calculated from Hamilton 1972:Table I, Appendix B--Parcel #4). Much of the HMSC, Ore-Aqua, and South Beach Marina rest on this fill, atop formerly submerged and intertidal lands (Hamilton 1972:Table I, Appendix B--Parcel #4). The dates for the filling are unclear, but permits for some of the filling were issued in 1951 (Hamilton 1972:Table I). After 1972, additional dredged material was added to the Peninsula with the construction of the South Beach Marina (South Beach EIS 1976:Fig. 3, p. 3).

Because much of the South Beach Peninsula is a fill and it is often windy at this site, much of it once was open sand with some islands of vegetation. In some areas, the blowing of sand was reduced because the fill included broken some clam shells, which formed an uneven "pavement" when the overlaying sand was blown away. Colonization of the sand by European beach grass and lupine bushes that could reach 3-5 ft tall, resulted in much of the sand being stabilized and open to colonization by other plants, including scotch broom. The lupine is still usually a conspicuous component of the vegetation, unless it has been killed by a hard freeze, whereupon the lupine takes a year or so to come back.

Human development has been common on the South Beach Peninsula. The original HMSC building was built and opened in 1964-1965, and further construction appears to have more than doubled the area of HMSC buildings since then. Since about 1970, Ore-Aqua and the South Beach Marina were built, and, in 1990, construction for the Oregon Coast Aquarium commenced. All this development has resulted in an increasing proportion of the fill being covered by pavement, buildings, and people, and less by open sand and vegetation. Presently, the only large, areas of open sand are west and south of Ore-Aqua (Fig. 2), and there are plans for a hotel/convention center on these sands.

Other features of the terrain at the South Beach Peninsula have also been influenced by people. At least some of the salt marsh east of the HMSC Apartments (Fig. 2) appears to be of relatively recent origin. Evidence for this are large sawn timbers under about 1-2 ft of marsh; these timbers are exposed in one of the tidal creeks crossing this marsh. Further, the shape of the OCA ponds (Fig. 2) and local lore indicate that these ponds (which were originally log ponds) were probably constructed by people.

Another significant change at the South Beach Peninsula has been the growth of some coniferous trees at the HMSC. The establishment of beach grass, lupines, and other vegetation allowed trees to grow. Today, both lodgepole pines and Sitka spruce have been steadily growing, and, in the SW portion of the HMSC property (see Fig. 2), spruce are forming a scattered young forest amongst the scotch broom (Fig. 3 [p. 12]). However, this forest is within an area where the HMSC may expand in the future (CH2M Hill 1989:Fig. B-4), so it may be removed and replaced by buildings or parking lots.

There are a few introduced Monterrey cypress at the House of Almerik restaurant and Sportsman's Trailer Park at the SW corner of the Peninsula (see Fig. 2). The only other trees taller than about 20 ft outside of the HMSC are around the Oregon Coast Aquarium ponds or in "islands" of its parking lot (Fig. 4 [p. 12]).

There are a few deciduous red alder or willows east of the HMSC Apartments and around the Oregon Coast Aquarium ponds (Fig. 2). Patches of willow bushes are also south of the ODFW and NW of the HMSC Apartments. There are also scattered bushes of chaparral broom (=coyote bush or bee-balm) and wax myrtle.

Another human feature that influences bird life has been the construction of a chain link fence along the western and southern borders of the HMSC. This fence (Fig. 3) reduces human disturbance by birders or others in the SW corner of the HMSC.

TERRESTRIAL BIRDS.--In forming a list of "terrestrial" birds, it is often difficult to determine which species are to be included because aquatic or semiaquatic birds are sometimes present. This problem is great for birds of the South Beach Peninsula because it is adjacent to tidelands and estuarine channels (Fig. 1) used by many waterbirds that often fly over.

In general, birds that may simply fly over the South Beach Peninsula are excluded, while birds that fly over while foraging (e.g., raptors and swallows) are included. The only shorebirds included are Common Snipe, Pectoral Sandpiper, Killdeer, and Snowy Plover; these birds were sometimes in salt marshes or upland areas.


Table 1. Number of terrestrial bird species recorded yearly or monthly at the South Beach Peninsula.

Sum=sum of species/month for all months in a year, .=zero, MAX=maximum number of species recorded per month or per year. Yearly PAR=70% of MAX of years, Monthly PAR=70% of the greater of 20 species (which was the MAX for January and accordingly should probably be exceeded in all other months with adequate observation effort) or 70% of the MAX for a month. 70% was arbitrarily chosen for PAR because, in schools, a test result in which 70% of the answers are correct is often considered to be a "passing" grade. #PAR yr=number of years that equaled or exceeded the yearly PAR, monthly PAR, or the sum of monthly PAR's.

      Species/  Species/Month...........................
Year  Year      Ja Fb Mr Ap My Jn Jl Ag Sp Oc Nv De  Sum
1950    2        .  .  .  2  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    2

1969    4        .  .  .  .  1  .  .  .  .  .  2  1    4
1970   13        .  .  5  .  5  .  5  2  .  .  .  .   17
1971   17        .  4  6  4  .  1  .  4  4  .  .  .   23
1972    4        .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  1  3  .    4
1973    4        1  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  2  2    5
1974   25        1  5  1  5  6  .  1  .  7  5  .  4   35
1975   37        3  5  2  3  2  2  1  . 16 18 16  7   75
1976   35       16  6  8 12  1  .  1  8  2  4  .  .   58
1977   20        .  1  .  1  .  3  2  7 11  4  1  2   32
1978   19        .  .  3 10  .  2  .  4  1  1  .  .   21
1979   19        1  .  .  . 11  .  .  7  2  2  1  .   24

      Species/  Species/Month...........................
Year  Year      Ja Fb Mr Ap My Jn Jl Ag Sp Oc Nv De  Sum
1980   13        .  .  1  2  4  .  .  .  4  2  2  1   16
1981   27        .  .  1  4  1  .  .  3 12  9  2  4   36
1982   57       20  5  5 14 12  2  7  4 18 15 17 14  133
1983   47        5 12  5 19 12  2 10 10  3  8  4  2   92
1984   37        1  1  1  2  7  1  4  3 10 10  9 16   65
1985   62       14 17 14 18 35 30 14 10 18 11 14 20  215
1986   54       17 14 15 15 19 12 14  6 27 14 15 14  182
1987   41       13  4  4  9  .  1 12  1  1 17 17  9   88
1988   51       15 17 16 14  3  .  1  3 20 24 17 21  151
1989   41        1  2 11 12  8  7 17 10 15 18  7 11  119
1990   58       19 14 10 16 14 15 12 34 12 10 10  6  172

MAX    62       20 17 16 19 35 30 17 34 27 24 17 21  277
PAR    43       14 14 14 14 25 21 14 24 21 18 14 14  207
#PAR yr 6        5  4  3  6  1  1  3  1  1  3  6  5    1

LOW OBSERVATION EFFORT.--Records from 1950 and 1969-1990 are included in this Checklist (Table 1). Although it is difficult to quantify observation effort, one measure would be to look at year to year variation in the number of species recorded monthly or yearly. The great variability between the maximum and the number found in most years indicates that there was often little observation effort (i.e., the sum of monthly species was less than 200 or the total number of species/year was less than 60)(Table 1). Although more species were often seen during May-October than in November-April, observation effort appeared to be more consistent in November-January and April, when there were 5-6 par years (Table 1). If observation effort is increased, however, it should be expected that more species will be seen throughout the year and that monthly and yearly PAR's will increase.

The reason for the low observation effort is because too few birders have kept records of their observations. Many skilled birders have worked at or visited the South Beach Peninsula, but few have kept records of anything but the "rarities." Further, records for the Peninsula have often been pooled with those for other areas (e.g., during the Yaquina Bay Christmas Bird Count), so it is often impossible to determine which records are specifically for the Peninsula.

Although some species (e.g., House Finch and European Starling) have been sporadically counted at parts of the South Beach Peninsula, there simply have not been any comprehensive, systematic surveys of terrestrial birds to even accurately determine their presence/absence, let alone their abundance.

Because of the usual low and often uneven observation effort, the monthly frequency of occurrence used in this Checklist more accurately reflects a species' presence than its absence. Further, the low observation effort probably results in a species being most recorded when it is most conspicuous (e.g., flocking out in the open) or most abundant (e.g., during migration). Thus, species which may become secretive or scattered during the breeding season (e.g., Song Sparrow) may have been overlooked.

In spite of its shortcomings, this Checklist is useful in allowing the reader to see a compilation of the data that we have.

      **    How can we detect a change in birdlife,       **
      **    if we don't know what existed in the past?    **

CHANGES IN BIRDLIFE.--Given the dramatic and continual human development and vegetation changes at the South Beach Peninsula, it is reasonable to assume that birdlife has also changed here. Unfortunately, as just discussed, there have been too few observations at the Peninsula to establish the frequency and abundance of birds in the past. Without information about what was, we can't tell if the status of a bird species has changed.

Nevertheless, it can be informative to examine at least one species, whose status has most likely changed. In 1950, a Snowy Plover nest was found at the site where the HMSC is now, but we have no records of them since 1970. This probably represents a real change because the open sand habitat that they seem to prefer has largely disappeared.

Since the amount of open country is being replaced by human development and young coniferous forest, it is reasonable to predict that open country birds such as House Finches and Western Meadowlarks may decrease and forest species such as Golden-crowned Kinglets and Chestnut-backed Chickadees may increase.

DIFFERENCES IN A SPECIES' SEASONAL STATUS.--There is an overly strong tendency today to consider that all individuals of a species in an area as small as Lincoln County have the same seasonal status (e.g., winter resident, spring migrant, or permanent resident). While this may be true for some species, it is an untested, unproven assumption for others.

Within Lincoln County, we have accumulated enough records to make it apparent that some species differ markedly in their seasonal status among sites. For example, some White-crowned Sparrows (but not necessarily the same individuals) are present throughout the year at the South Beach Peninsula, with an immigration perhaps occurring in late March. But at some inland sites in Lincoln County, White-crowned Sparrows are present only as spring migrants or as summer residents. Other terrestrial species occurring at the Peninsula that are commonly present at other Lincoln County sites but that can differ markedly in seasonal status include American Goldfinch, Dark-eyed Junco, Savannah Sparrow, Black-throated Gray, Orange-crowned, and Yellow-rumped warblers; and Common Yellowthroat. This list will probably grow with additional records and increased observation effort.

Because of this variation, site-specific records about a species' presence and abundance are necessary to accurately determine a species' status and the dates when it comes and goes at a particular site. Using records pooled for physiographic prov- inces or habitats can lead to inaccurate predictions of a species' status or abundance at a site (e.g., Avery and Riper 1990).

      **         A species that is a spring migrant       **
      **         at one site may be a permanent           **
      **         or summer resident nearby.               **



Species are listed alphabetically to let the reader more readily find a particular species (Bayer 1989). Accounts are written in the past tense because I am reporting what was reported in the past. Because of low observation effort, an increasing number of buildings and parking lots, more human presence, and the growth of a young forest amongst scotch broom; careful observers may find that birdlife here is different than what is reported here.


  Yr  number of calendar years in which a species was recorded.

  First  first date that a species was noted,
  Last  last date that a species was recorded,
  .  either there were too few data to determine a First or Last
          date or some birds were present throughout the year,
  ?  First or Last date during a month is unknown.

                        MONTHLY OCCURRENCE
  X  4 or more years with records in the month indicated,
  =  2-3 years with records in the month indicated,
  -  1 year with a record in the month indicated.

Species..................Yr First Last  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Blackbird, Brewer's       2 .     .           -         - -   -
Blackbird, Red-winged       01/23 07/31
Blackbird, Red-winged    10 09/13 10/18 = X - - - = =   X = - -
Blackbird, Yellow-headed    05/03 06/07
Blackbird, Yellow-headed  5 08/27 08/28         = -   -
Bluebird, Mountain        1 04/28 04/28       -
Bobolink                  6 09/16 10/18                 X =
Bunting, Lazuli           1 09/18 09/18                 -
Bunting, Snow               03/03 03/03
Bunting, Snow             3 11/21 11/22     -               =
Bushtit                   8 .     .     = = =   -   - = - X = =

BLACKBIRDS.--Surprisingly, Yellow-headed Blackbirds were more often recorded than Brewer's Blackbirds. Only a single Yellow-head was seen at a time, and, except for the August record of a female in 1982, only males were noted. There have been no Yellow-head records since 1982.

Red-wings were reported in all months, except August. In July, adult male-plumaged Red-wings appeared to be absent, and females and immatures were difficult to find because they were skulking in the brush. Through 1985, flocks of up to 200 Red-wings were seen in late summer through October. Since 1985, Red-wings have been infrequently noted, and large numbers in fall have not been reported. Perhaps they were displaced by starlings or by development and disturbance at the Peninsula.

MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD AND BOBOLINK.--A female Mountain Bluebird was well-studied in April 1985. 1-3 Bobolinks were recorded in six years from 1975 through 1986; in 1975, one was found in the grassy part of the salt marsh east of the HMSC Apartments (Fig. 2), which was the area where all seemed to have been seen.

BUNTINGS AND BUSHTIT.--Lazuli and Snow buntings were rare. Bushtits could be abundant, with 98 counted in late November 1988.

Species..................Yr First Last  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Chickadee, Black-capped   9 .     .     = - =     = X = = = = -
Chickadee, Chest.-backed  3 .     .     - -   -   -
Chickadee, Mountain         03/28 03/31
Chickadee, Mountain       2 10/19 12/07     -             -   -
Cowbird, Brown-headed     9 04/18 10/03       = = = = = - =   -
Crane, Sandhill           1 06/02 06/02           -
Crossbill, Red            2 .     .       - -   -
Crow, American           17 .     .     X X X X X X X X X X X X
Cuckoo, Black-billed      1 09/03 09/03                 -
Dickcissel                1 09/?  09/?                  -
Dove, Mourning              04/18 05/31
Dove, Mourning            9 09/16 12/07       - X       - = = -
Dove, Rock               13 .     .     = = = X = = = X X = = =
Dove, White-winged        1 10/28 11/04                   - -
Eagle, Bald               3 .     .             - -   -
Egrets--see text

Species..................Yr First Last  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Falcon, Peregrine         8 .     .     = = = =   - =   - = - -
Finch, House             14 .     .     X X X X X = X X X X X X
Finch, Purple             4 .     .             - - - - =
Flicker, Northern        15 .     .     = = X = =   - = X X X X
  "        " (yellow-shf) 2 .     .       -               -
Flycatcher, Ash-throated  3 .     .               -   -       -
Flycatcher, Olive-sided   2 .     .           -     -
Flycatcher, Willow        2 .     .                 -   -

CHICKADEES.--Only Black-caps were recorded often, but Chestnut-backs may become more frequent in the developing young coniferous forest. Mountain Chickadees were noted in March 1971 and October and December 1986.

BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD.--Cowbirds were common from spring through fall, and an immature lingered in December 1982. A flock of 43 was reported at Ore-Aqua on 22 August 1982.

SANDHILL CRANE AND RED CROSSBILL.--One relatively tame Sandhill Crane walked around the ODFW parking lot in June 1975. Red Crossbills were only noted in 1985 and 1987 but may become more common in the developing coniferous forest.

AMERICAN CROW.--Although they also used intertidal areas, American Crows were one of the most conspicuous, common terrestrial birds at the Peninsula. They were often found in flocks, with 20-50 sometimes counted in November-February. Crows were particularly numerous around Ore-Aqua ponds, where they picked up spilled fish food or dead salmon smolts. Fledglings followed and noisily begged from adults as late as August.

BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO.--The well-described, one-person record of an immature Black-billed Cuckoo in September 1978 was not accepted by the Oregon Bird Records Committee (OBRC)(Schmidt 1989:138).

DICKCISSEL.--One person reported a Dickcissel in September 1974.

MOURNING DOVE.--Mourning Doves were most frequent in May, but in many years they also appeared to be fall migrants. Only 1-2 were noted at a time.

ROCK DOVE.--Rock Doves appeared to have been often overlooked, even though they seemed to be common.

WHITE-WINGED DOVE.--The 1979 record of one White-winged Dove was accepted by the OBRC (Schmidt 1989:74).

BALD EAGLE.--Bald Eagles apparently rarely flew over the South Beach Peninsula, although they commonly flew over nearby estuarine areas. When present, only singletons were observed.

EGRETS.--Egrets were not included in the charts because they were most often seen in intertidal areas. However, Great Egrets were often recorded during one winter at or near Ore-Aqua ponds. Further, Cattle Egrets, which are more terrestrial, occurred at Ore-Aqua once, but the record has been misplaced.

PEREGRINE FALCON.--On 21 October 1979, two were noted at a time; otherwise, only singletons were found. They often flew over, but we have no records of any that were perched at the Peninsula. More systematic observations are needed to determine if some are only spring and fall migrants or if some are also winter residents.

FINCHES.--House Finches were very common, especially from about August through March, when flocks of 50 or more birds were sometimes counted. One yellow-orange bird visited a feeder at the ODFW in January and February 1990.

The status of Purple Finches is unclear. They were uncommonly noted only in 1985, 1986, 1987, and 1990. Since they are not a rarity in Lincoln County, birders may not have spent adequate time here looking for Purple Finches and mistakenly assumed that all finches were House Finches. Alternatively, Purple Finches may have been rare at the Peninsula because they preferred older coniferous trees than were present before 1985.

NORTHERN FLICKER.--Flickers were a very conspicuous winter resident. Yellow-shafted's or yellow X red-shafted hybrids were recorded in February 1983 and October 1989.

ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER.--Single Ash-throateds were noted by single observers in December 1974, August 1979, and June 1990.

OTHER FLYCATCHERS.--Surprisingly, Olive-sided and Willow flycatchers were rarely found, perhaps because of low observation effort.


FIGURE 3. View north towards south border of the HMSC. Note the 5-6 ft high chain link fence that runs along the southern and western borders of the HMSC. Also, note scattered Sitka spruce emerging from the scotch broom (a) thicket that is taller than the fence. European beach grass clumps are small and light-colored at the base of the fence. (Photo: 12/6/1990.)

++++ PHOTOGRAPH: at this time it is not feasible to make a graphics ++
++++ file of this photograph, although the legend is retained.  See ++
++++ instructions at the beginning of this file to obtain a      +++++
++++ photocopy of this photograph. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


FIGURE 4. View of scattered large Sitka spruce on "islands"; in Oregon Coast Aquarium parking lot that is under construction. (Photo: 12/6/1990.)

++++ PHOTOGRAPH: at this time it is not feasible to make a graphics ++
++++ file of this photograph, although the legend is retained.  See ++
++++ instructions at the beginning of this file to obtain a      +++++
++++ photocopy of this photograph. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


FIGURE 5. View north towards HMSC buildings. Note abundance of light-colored European beachgrass, dark-colored scattered patches of lupine (a), paved HMSC Nature Trail (b), and two wax myrtle bushes (c) 10 ft or more tall. (Photo: 12/6/1990.)

++++ PHOTOGRAPH: at this time it is not feasible to make a graphics ++
++++ file of this photograph, although the legend is retained.  See ++
++++ instructions at the beginning of this file to obtain a      +++++
++++ photocopy of this photograph. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


FIGURE 6. View east towards the HMSC on the north side of the ODFW. Note abundance of light-colored European beach grass, two small scotch broom in the foreground, and lodgepole pines (a) in front of HMSC. HMSC workers have often noted birds such as Palm Warblers while looking out their office windows (b). Note bird feeder to left of "b"; bird feeders are rare here.

++++ PHOTOGRAPH: at this time it is not feasible to make a graphics ++
++++ file of this photograph, although the legend is retained.  See ++
++++ instructions at the beginning of this file to obtain a      +++++
++++ photocopy of this photograph. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Species..................Yr First Last  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Goldfinch, American      18 .     .     = =   = X = X X X X = =
Goldfinch, Lesser         1 10/30 10/30                   -
Grosbeak, Black-headed    1 06/03 06/04           -
Grosbeak, Evening         1 05/14 05/14         -
Grouse, Ruffed            1 .     .     -
Gulls--see text
Gyrfalcon                 1 10/28 12/30                   -   -
Harrier, Northern        13 .     .     X = - X =   = = = X X X
Hawk, Cooper's            2 .     .     -                   - -
Hawk, Red-shouldered      1 10/30 10/30                   -
Hawk, Red-tailed          1 .     .                           -
Hawk, Rough-legged        3 10/27 01/31 -                 - -
Hawk, Sharp-shinned       5 .     .             -       =   = -
Heron, Black-cr. Night-   3 .     .     - - -   -     -   -   =
Heron, Great Blue(roost)  1 .     .                       - -
Heron, Green-b. (roost)   1 .     .               -
Hummingbird, Anna's       4 12/03 03/04   - -                 =
Hummingbird, Rufous       7 03/01 07/09     = = - = - -

AMERICAN GOLDFINCH.--These goldfinches occurred in most months of the year, but they were most commonly observed from May through October. They may have overwintered more frequently than our six years of either December or January records indicate, since birders may have overlooked them. Year-around censuses would be helpful to determine if many arrive in April or if they are most abundant in summer. A fledgling begged from two adults as late as September 9.

LESSER GOLDFINCH.--One was only recorded in October 1986. But birders may have found others, if they had more often sorted through all goldfinches to find Lessers.

GROSBEAKS-GROUSE.--Black-headed and Evening grosbeaks and Ruffed Grouse were rarely found. This is not surprising because all are more typically found in forests.

GULLS.--Gulls have not been included in the monthly frequency tables because they were generally aquatic, not terrestrial. However, there were two situations in which they could be considered terrestrial. In the first case, from at least the end of the 1970's through at least the mid-1980's, they commonly roosted on the sand just west and south of Ore-Aqua.

The second case occurred each year from about September through October, and sometimes into early November, when Bonaparte's, California, Ring-billed, and/or Western gulls irregularly hawked insects flying in mating swarms. Not all insects in the swarms were identified, but at least some were mating flights of ants. Most of these gull flocks were diffuse, often lasted only a few minutes, and were usually recorded in the afternoon, either because of warmer temperatures then that allowed insect swarms or because observers spent more time then looking for gull flocks.

Gulls involved in hawking insects could be distinguished from those simply flying over by following the flight of individual gulls. Gulls hawking insects flew around in a more circling flight than when flying somewhere, momentarily stopped their flapping, pecked at an insect, and then continued their flapping.

GYRFALCON.--A singleton was observed in late 1989.

NORTHERN HARRIER.--Harriers were often noted from August through May. Records in July included a female or immature on 8 July 1974 and 2 July 1989 and a male on 6 July 1982, so they may have sometimes nested in the vicinity. Of 26 records in which the plumage was noted, only four had the gray plumage of an adult male; the rest had the reddish-brown plumage of females or immatures.

HAWKS.--Cooper's, Red-shouldered, and Red-tailed hawks were all rare. The rarity of Red-taileds may seem surprising, but they are a forest bird. Rough-legs, which seem to prefer open country, were uncommonly reported at the South Beach Peninsula.

Considering the low observation effort and their inconspicuousness, Sharp-shinned Hawks were probably much more common than our records suggest. As it is, Sharp-shinneds were fairly common, but only during fall migration in September-November.

BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON.--Although usually aquatic, these night-herons were included because they were underreported, and they were often heard or seen at night near Ore-Aqua, where they fished at the fish ponds. On 17 December 1983, 10 were counted; otherwise, five or less were noted.

GREAT BLUE HERON.--GBH's often flew over this area and occasionally perched on buildings. But only in October and early November 1984 were they known to regularly roost in the salt marsh east of the HMSC Apartments. During this time, 7-14 herons were counted.

On 16 Dec. 1990, an adult roosted on the open ground, well above the salt marsh, near a road east of the HMSC Apartments.

GREEN-BACKED HERON.--These herons seemed to be regular summer visitors to the Oregon Coast Aquarium ponds and regularly flew over the South Beach Peninsula. But the only record of one perching was on 28 June 1990, when one was sitting in a snag at the salt marsh. They probably roosted in trees here more often.

ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD.--Anna's Hummingbirds were noted in several winters. They were probably often overlooked, so they may have been more common than our records indicate.

RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD.--They appeared to be regularly present from March to June, and less frequent in July and August.

Species..................Yr First Last  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Jay, Scrub                3 06/10 06/13           =
Jay, Steller's            5 .     .     -       -       - = -
Junco, Dark-eyed          9 09/26 04/16 = = - = -       - = X =
  "     "(slate-colored)  3 10/21 04/16 - =   -           -   -
Kestrel, American         5 .     .       -     =         =
Killdeer                 10 .     .     = X = X X = = - X = - =
Kingbird, Tropical        5 09/30 11/15                 - = -
Kingbird, Western           04/28 05/29
Kingbird, Western         9 09/04 09/21       - X - =   =
Kingfisher, Belted       10 .     .     = = = X X = X X X X X =
Kinglet, Golden-crowned   1 .     .       -           -
Kinglet, Ruby-crowned     8 11/18 03/26 X - =               = X
Kite, Black-shouldered    2 04/17 05/02       - -             X

Species..................Yr First Last  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Lark, Horned              2 .     .           -             -
Longspur, Lapland         3 .     .             -       - -
Mallard--see text
Meadowlark, Western      15 08/16 04/10 X X X = -     = X X X X
Merlin                      04/20 04/20
Merlin                    6 09/03 10/20       -         = = -
Mockingbird, Northern     4 .     .           - - - -
Nighthawk, Common         7 05/31 08/06         - X - =
Nuthatch, Red-breasted    2 10/03 10/16                   =

SCRUB JAY.--One was found in early June of 1975, 1985, and 1987.

STELLER'S JAY.--These jays were sporadically seen and appeared to be mainly a fall migrant.

DARK-EYED JUNCO.--This species was a winter resident, not a nesting species as at some other sites in Lincoln County. Single "slate-colored" juncos were detected in 1984, 1985, and 1988; more comprehensive effort may reveal them to be even more frequent.

AMERICAN KESTREL.--Single kestrels were most frequently noted during spring and fall migration.

KILLDEER.--Killdeer sometimes became more abundant here after cold weather froze their inland feeding areas. A Killdeer nest with four eggs was discovered on 18 May 1988, and adults with young were seen away from nests in May 1985 and April 1986.

TROPICAL KINGBIRD.--They were reported in the falls of 1981, 1982, 1984, 1986, and 1990; the 1981, 1982, and 1984 records were submitted to and accepted by the OBRC (Schmidt 1989:80-82).

WESTERN KINGBIRD.--Western Kingbirds were observed during spring migration in six years, in early July of 1982 and 1986, and in September during fall migration in 1986 and 1990. There was no evidence that they nested here.

BELTED KINGFISHER.--This species is often considered an aquatic species because it forages for food in water. Nevertheless, it often perches in vegetation or on overhead wires between hunting forays, so it is included here. Single kingfishers often perched around the Oregon Coast Aquarium ponds or at Ore-Aqua.

KINGLETS.--Ruby-crowned Kinglets were commonly found during winter, but Golden-crowns were rare and detected only in 1990. The lack of Golden-crowns could be because the pre-1990 coniferous forest was inadequate for their needs or because the existing conifers have been rarely birded.

BLACK-SHOULDERED KITE.--Single kites were noted in 1985 and 1986; a pair of kites was discovered in December 1990.

HORNED LARK.--Two were seen on 5 November 1981, and one was found on 17 April 1988.

LAPLAND LONGSPUR.--These longspurs were observed during spring migration in May 1980 and fall migration in 1976 and 1985. On 10 October 1976, eight were counted.

MALLARD.--Mallards are primarily aquatic, but they nest in marshy or terrestrial habitats. In a spring in 1973-1975, a female Mallard was once seen flying out from the upper salt marsh east of the HMSC Apartments as if she may have been nesting. The increased number of people and dogs walking in the HMSC area makes the current possibility of their nesting here doubtful.

WESTERN MEADOWLARK.--It seems fitting that the State Bird of Oregon was regularly at Oregon State University's HMSC. Although five or less meadowlarks were usually found, 10-15 were noted in October-December of 1977, 1981, 1984, and 1989; and 10 were also counted in March 1988.

MERLIN.--Single Merlins were commonly detected during fall migration, but only once during spring migration. Most were flyovers.

NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD.--Singletons were observed in only one month in 1976, 1977, 1982, and 1987.

COMMON NIGHTHAWK.--The status of Common Nighthawks is unclear. A nest was found at the HMSC in about 1965, but the subsequent scarcity of July and August records seems to indicate that they may not nest here currently. They have not been noted since 1985.

RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH.--They were only seen as fall migrants in 1977 and 1983. With continued growth of the conifers, they may become more common.

Species..................Yr First Last  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Oriole, Northern          1 05/27 05/27         -
Oriole, Orchard           2 09/27 10/11                 - -
Osprey                    2 08/14 09/19         - -   - -
Owl, Barn--see text
Owl, Burrowing            1 10/18 10/18                   -
Owl, Great Horned         1 .     .     -
Owl, Short-eared          5 10/02 02/03   - - -           =   -
Owl, Snowy                2 11/06 04/12 - - - -             - -
Pewee, Western Wood-      1 09/20 09/20                 -
Pheasant, Ring-necked     1 11/06 11/07                     -
Phoebe, Black             1 01/03 01/03 -
Phoebe, Say's             2 03/12 04/10     - -
Pipit, American             04/17 05/22
Pipit, American           7 09/06 09/24       = =       X     -
Plover, Snowy             1 .     .           -
Quail, California         2 04/10 05/02       - -
Raven, Common             2 .     .       -           -
Robin, American          11 .     .     X X X X = = = = - - - =

Species..................Yr First Last  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Sandpiper, Pectoral      13 08/09 11/07               X X X -
Sandpiper, Upland         1 07/23 08/03             - -
Shrike, Loggerhead        1 05/02 05/02         -
Shrike, Northern          4 .     .     - - -             - -
Siskin, Pine              5 .     .     - -     -           - =
Snipe, Common             9 10/18 05/06 - = = = -     -   = - =
Solitaire, Townsend's     1 01/31 01/31 -

NORTHERN ORIOLE.--A Northern Oriole was once found in 1984.

ORCHARD ORIOLE.--A record of an immature Orchard Oriole on 27 September 1981 was accepted by the OBRC (Schmidt 1989:125), but the 11 October 1987 record was not because it was not distinguished from a female Hooded Oriole (Staudt 1989:271).

OSPREY.--They appeared to be an uncommon spring or fall migrant here, although they have been often noted in summer elsewhere in Lincoln County. Osprey were more commonly noted in estuarine areas east of the South Beach Peninsula.

OWLS.--Owls were underreported because no one has spent much time at night searching for them. A former resident of the HMSC Apartments indicated that he had seen a Barn Owl twice in the early 1980's, but he did not have any specific dates. A Burrowing Owl was discovered on 18 October 1976 during a noontime volleyball game near where the HMSC Library is now. A Great Horned was only once found in 1985. Single Short-eared Owls were detected in 1971, 1973, 1974, 1987, and 1988.

Snowy Owls were noted only during the 1973-1974 winter, with 1-3 commonly seen then around the HMSC.

WESTERN WOOD-PEWEE.--One was rarely seen in 1986.

RING-NECKED PHEASANT.--A male Ring-necked Pheasant was found during two days in 1986.

BLACK PHOEBE.--One that was well-described was noted by four observers in January 1976.

SAY'S PHOEBE.--One was viewed on 12 March 1983, and another was found by several birders on 9 and 10 April 1989.

AMERICAN PIPIT.--They were a regular spring and fall migrant. On 21 September 1974, 40 were counted; otherwise, only 1-5 were seen.

SNOWY PLOVER.--A nest with eggs was observed on 30 April 1950. Since then, we have no records for them in upland areas, although singletons have been seen on the adjoining mudflats until the early 1970's.

CALIFORNIA QUAIL.--Records were for springs of 1975 and 1990.

COMMON RAVEN.--Ravens were reported only in 1986 and 1990; they are common further inland.

AMERICAN ROBIN.--Their status is unclear. Some were present during summer, they were scarce in September-November, and they were most frequent in January through April.

SANDPIPERS.--Although never recorded as being in upland areas, Pectoral Sandpipers seemed to be present each fall in the intertidal salt marsh; the most that ever was counted was 11 on 18 September 1986.

An Upland Sandpiper was viewed during several days by several observers on the grass near the HMSC and ODFW in 1987.

Other sandpipers may also roost in the salt marsh, but we have no records of them specifically doing so.

LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE.--A well-described Loggerhead was seen by one observer on 2 May 1986.

NORTHERN SHRIKE.--Singletons were rarely found in 1978, 1983, 1986, and 1987.

PINE SISKIN.--Siskins were uncommonly detected in 1976, 1977, 1985, 1988, and 1990. On 25 November 1988, 65 were counted.

COMMON SNIPE.--Until 1984, snipe were regularly reported and most, if not all, were in the salt marsh. Because of their inconspicuousness and their lack of "rarity," they were probably present more commonly than our records indicate. The most ever seen was 10 on 9 April 1983; they have been rare in recent years.

TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRE.--One was noted on 31 January 1975.

Species..................Yr First Last  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Sparrow, American Tree    1 03/07 03/07     -
Sparrow, Chipping         2 .     .     -   -           -
Sparrow, Fox              7 09/18 03/26 = - =           = = = =
Sparrow, Golden-crowned  15 09/03 05/03 X X X X =     - X X X X
Sparrow, House            5 .     .       -   - = - - -
Sparrow, Lincoln's        6 .     .     -   - =   -     =   - -
Sparrow, Savannah        19 03/31 11/30     - X X = X X X X X -
Sparrow, Song            17 .     .     X X X X X = X = X X X X
Sparrow, Swamp            1 01/02 01/02 -
Sparrow, Vesper           1 06/20 06/20           -
Sparrow, White-crowned   16 .     .     X X X X X X X X X X X X
Sparrow, White-throated   5 10/21 02/14 - -               = = =
Starling, European       18 .     .     X X X X X = = X X X X X
Swallow, Barn            17 04/06 09/30       X X = X X X
Swallow, Cliff            4 .     09/24     -       - - -
Swallow, Tree             5 03/04 07/09     - = - - -
Swallow, Violet-green    13 03/24 09/21     = X X = = = =
Swift, Black              2 .     .                 -   -
Swift, Vaux's             2 05/06 .             -       -

SPARROWS.--An American Tree Sparrow was observed on 31 January 1975. A Chipping Sparrow was found only in 1984 and 1985, with five noted in early March 1984. Fox Sparrows appeared to be regular winter residents. Golden-crowned Sparrows were frequently viewed from September through April.

The status of House and Lincoln's sparrows at the South Beach Peninsula is unclear, but both, for different reasons, were probably much more common than our records indicate. House Sparrows were probably missed simply because birders didn't record these introduced "pests." Lincoln's Sparrows may have been missed because birders didn't sort through the sparrows to distinguish Lincoln's.

The status of Savannah Sparrows at the Peninsula is not clear. They were found during spring migration in 12 years and during fall migration in 16 years. However, they were also rarely discovered in June (two years) or July (four years), so they may have sometimes nested. Since observation effort in June and July was often low (Table 1), they could have been much more frequent during their nesting season than our records indicate. In 1985, 10-15 were seen on September 6 and 18.

Song Sparrows were found each month of the year, but they were most often reported in winter. Thus, more may have occurred in winter, or they were more conspicuous to birders then. Since some subspecies of Song Sparrows present along the Oregon Coast only overwinter (Gabrielson and Jewett 1940:593-595, Bayer and Ferris 1987:95), it is possible that their greater frequency in winter is because immigrants left in spring. A fledgling was fed away from the nest by an adult on 11 July 1990.

A Swamp Sparrow and a Vesper Sparrow were detected on 2 January 1988 and 20 June 1982, respectively.

White-crowned Sparrows were often recorded each month of the year. Farther inland, they are a spring migrant or, more usually, a summer resident. Censuses are needed at the Peninsula to determine if their abundance remains the same throughout the year of if immigrants arrive in late March like they do farther inland. Fledglings away from the nest were seen on 29 May 1974 and 28 May 1985. On 19 August 1990, 40 were counted.

White-throated Sparrows were sometimes noted during winter. Singletons were observed in 1981, 1984, 1987, 1988, and 1989.

EUROPEAN STARLING.--Starlings were found throughout the year but were most often noted from August through May. They may be less frequent in June and July because they were nesting and were thus more solitary and less noticeable then. One flew with nesting material up into one of the large lamps in the HMSC parking lot on 29 May 1985. In August and September, they were often seen in conspicuous flocks numbering 50 or more; such large flocks were sometimes viewed through March.

Starlings are good mimics. One starling that could mimic the call of a Common Nighthawk spent at least one winter at Ore-Aqua and initially fooled some of the Yaquina Bay Christmas Bird Count participants. Others around Newport have sounded like yellowlegs.

BARN SWALLOW.--Barn Swallows were summer residents that often nested under the eaves of HMSC buildings. Since nests were sometimes by doorways where their droppings created a mess, their nests were often removed.

Barn Swallow nesting was not synchronous, as nestlings were observed from June 30 to September 14. Although the same nest was never used for renesting, a new nest was sometimes constructed near a nest where young had been recently raised; perhaps both nests were by the same pair. Elsewhere, Barn Swallows are known to have two broods.

Determining the date of nest departure by Barn Swallow nestlings was sometimes arbitrary because young could fly away from the nest but return at night to roost at or near the nest for several days. For example, in 1977, young left a nest on July 19, but two young were seen roosting near it on August 3 and 4.

On 20 September 1975, 35 Barn Swallows were counted. Usually, only 3-8 at most were seen simultaneously.

OTHER SWALLOWS.--Cliff and Tree swallows were uncommon, but Violet-greens were often observed from March through September. No nests were discovered here for any of these species.

BLACK SWIFT.--Five Black Swifts were seen on 24 September 1981 by three observers. Also, two were reported by one observer on 5 July 1984; Vaux's Swifts are much more likely to be found in July.

VAUX'S SWIFT.--Their few records suggest that they were a rare spring (1985) and fall (1980) migrant.

Species..................Yr First Last  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Tanager, Western          2 .     .             -       -
Thrasher, Sage            2 04/04 05/02       - -
Thrush, Hermit            3 .     .       - - -           -
Thrush, Swainson's        3 05/24 06/19         = -   -
Thrush, Varied            4 .     .     - =   -               -
Towhee, Rufous-sided     10 .     .     = = X X X = - = X X X X
Veery                     1 05/30 05/30         -
Vireo, Hutton's           1 04/21 04/21       -
Vulture, Turkey           5 04/18 09/12       = = - - = -
Warbler, Black-thr. Gray  2 04/21 .           -       - -

Species..................Yr First Last  J F M A M J J A S O N D
Warbler, MacGillivray's   2 05/04 05/18         =
Warbler, Nashville        3 .     .     - - -   -
Warbler, Orange-crowned   9 04/10 05/16       X = - - -
Warbler, Palm            19 09/21 04/14 X = X =         = X X X
Warbler, Prairie          1 09/27 09/27                 -
Warbler, Townsend's       2 .     .       -                   -
Warbler, Wilson's         5 04/17 .           - = - =   =
Warbler, Yellow           5 05/16 .             = -   - -
Warbler, Yellow-rumped   10 10/03 04/23 X = X =       -   = = =
Waxwing, Cedar            8 05/16 10/03   -     - = X X = - -
Wren, Bewick's            9 08/19 04/17 = - = -     - - X X X =
Wren, Marsh               7 10/05 01/31 =       -         = - =
Wren, Winter              4 10/04 02/25   =   -           =
Wrentit                   5 .     .         - -     -   -     =
Yellowthroat, Common      7 09/04 10/19           -     X =

WESTERN TANAGER.--These birds were only found on 6 September 1974 and 22 May 1984.

SAGE THRASHER.--One was seen walking around HMSC buildings on 2 May 1979 by two observers and 4 April 1982 by one observer.

THRUSHES.--Hermit and Varied thrushes were rarely detected. Swainson's Thrushes were also infrequent and were mainly noted in May during spring migration; elsewhere in Lincoln County, they can be a very common summer resident.

SPOTTED (RUFOUS-SIDED) TOWHEE.--Rufous-sided Towhees were most commonly reported during spring and fall migrations. The relative lack of records in summer could be because they were nesting then and were thus less conspicuous.

VEERY.--A well-described Veery was viewed by one observer on 30 May 1975 in willows.

HUTTON'S VIREO.--A Hutton's Vireo was found only on 21 April 1982.

TURKEY VULTURE.--Vultures were probably much more frequent than our records suggest and probably were common during summer.

WARBLERS.--Black-throated Gray Warblers were spring migrants only in 1986 and fall migrants only in 1986 and 1990; their recent increase may be a result of the growth of coniferous trees.

MacGillivray's Warblers were spring migrants only in 1983 and 1988. Nashville Warblers were rare late-winter or spring migrants in 1976, 1982, and 1983. Orange-crowned Warbler records indicated that most were spring migrants; additional observations would be helpful in confirming this.

Many birders came to the HMSC to find Palm Warblers for their lists. Not surprisingly, then, the Palm Warbler was one of the most recorded species at the South Beach Peninsula. Only 1-3 have been counted at a time.

The record of one juvenile Prairie Warbler on 27 September 1981 was accepted by the OBRC (Schmidt 1989:101). Townsend's Warblers were reported only in September 1981 and February 1983. The first Wilson's Warbler observation was in 1983, but they have not been detected very often during subsequent summers.

It is not clear if Yellow Warblers were spring migrants and/or summer residents. An observer very familiar with this species was unable to find them in 5-21 June 1985, but additional attempts in summer would be useful in determining if they may nest some years.

Yellow-rumped Warblers appeared to often be winter residents from October through April, but most records were in March. This contrasts with some inland sites where they are spring and fall migrants or sites where they nest, at least occasionally. On 14 November 1987, 33 were counted. Censuses would be helpful in determining in which months they are most abundant.

CEDAR WAXWING.--They appeared to be common summer residents, but more observations would be helpful in determining how common they are then. A flock of 20 was carefully noted on 26 February 1990 for one of Lincoln County's few winter records.

BEWICK'S WREN.--Bewick's were most frequently found from September through March, but they may have been more common in April-August than our records indicate.

MARSH WREN.--Marsh Wrens were uncommonly detected, with most seen in winter. This is surprising because it would seem that they would often be present in the salt marsh. Perhaps the reason for their scarcity is that the salt marsh is too small or doesn't have enough tall grasses or sedges.

WRENTIT.--Wrentits were uncommonly reported, perhaps because of a lack of the dense cover of bushes such as salal at the South Beach Peninsula.

COMMON YELLOWTHROAT.--Although a singing male was discovered on 21 June 1985, Common Yellowthroats were otherwise found only in September and October. Thus, they were mainly a fall migrant here.


This compilation would not have been possible without the records generously shared by many observers, many who were members of Yaquina Birders and Naturalists. A list of all contributors is not feasible, but the following is an alphabetized list of observers with many records and the boldfaced names of those with the most consistent and greatest number of records: Range Bayer, Darrel Faxon, Anthony Floyd, Peggy Gaines, Greg Gillson, Marilyn Guin, Matt Hunter, Rick and Jan Krabbe, Janet Lamberson, Bob Llewellyn, Roy Lowe, Kathy Merrifield, Terry Morse, Bob Olson, Laimons Osis, Cindy Paszkowski, Phil Pickering, Paul Reed, Andy Rivinus, Floyd Schrock, Dale Snow, Paul Sullivan, Verda Teale, and Jessica Waddell.


Avery, M. L. and C. Van Riper III. 1990. Evaluation of wildlife-habitat relationships data base for predicting bird community composition in central California chaparral and blue oak woodlands. California Fish Game 76:103-117.

Bayer, R. D. 1990. Checklists: listing birds alphabetically rather than phylogenetically. Oregon Birds 16:226.

Bayer, R. D. and R. W. Ferris. 1987. Reed Ferris' 1930-1943 bird banding records and bird observations for Tillamook County, Oregon. Studies in Oregon Ornithology No. 3.

CH2M Hill. 1989. Update of port development element of City of Newport's Comprehensive Plan for Newport Urban Renewal Agency and Port of Newport. CH2M Hill, Corvallis, Oregon.

Gabrielson, I. N. and S. G. Jewett. 1940. Birds of Oregon. Oregon State Monogr., Studies in Zoology No. 2. (Reprinted in 1970 by Dover Publ. as "Birds of the Pacific Northwest.")

Hamilton, S. F. 1972. An inventory of filled lands in Yaquina Bay and River. Oregon Division of State Lands.

Schmidt, O. (Ed.) 1989. Rare birds of Oregon. Oregon Field Ornithologists Special Publication No. 5.

South Beach EIS. 1976. Final Environmental Impact Statement: South Beach Marina (Yaquina Bay Small Boat Basin), Lincoln County, Oregon. U.S. Army Engineers and U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service.

Staudt, T. 1989. Report of the Oregon Bird Records Committee-- 1988-89. Oregon Birds 15:263-271.


Please help improve our knowledge of birds at the South Beach Peninsula (see Figs. 1 and 2)! Please separate records for terrestrial birds from those in the salt marsh and send copies of your bird observations to P. O. Box 1467, Newport, Oregon 97365.

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