by Range Bayer, P.O. Box 1467, Newport, Oregon 97365. 6 November 1995

Copyright 1995 (c) by Range Bayer. Without charge, permission is freely given to anyone to use any means to copy part or all of this material as long as the citation given above is credited as the source.

This compilation is a response to Raylene Erickson's request for a bird list for the Friends of Wildwoods and Trails in Lincoln City. This list is largely based on Bayer (1993), which includes numerous observations in the Lincoln City area by Jim Mackie (deceased) and, especially, Phil Pickering.

The 274 species (and two races) in this list are only those that have been recorded on land or from shore in the Salmon River to Depoe Bay area. Species found beached or seen from a boat offshore are excluded.

It is beyond the scope of this list to recommend birding sites; Evanich (1990:35-37) gives good birding guides to Siletz Bay and Boiler Bay, two popular birding sites in the Lincoln City area.

In this list, species are placed in alphabetical order, so that a particular species can be more easily found.


Many bird species are present throughout the year, some are present only in summer, others only in winter, and some only during spring and/or fall migration. Accordingly, it is helpful to have first and last dates for when a species comes and goes. Since some species migrate through in both spring and fall, these species have two pairs of first and last dates. But not all birds of a species may migrate together; a few may be present before most have arrived or after most have left. Thus, this list (like others) is only a guide to the comings and goings of birds.

First Dates given here are from Bayer (1993) and are often the earliest or nearly the earliest date and Last Dates are often the latest or nearly the latest date that a species was recorded in Lincoln County, not just the Lincoln City area.


These frequencies are estimates of the probability of a somewhat experienced birder seeing or hearing the given species while recreationally birding. These estimates are based on yearly frequencies that birders reported the species in Lincoln County (Bayer 1993), average daily frequencies that Darrel Faxon noted terrestrial birds at Thornton Creek (Faxon and Bayer 1991), and also on my subjective estimate of how detectable a species would be by a recreational birder. Although Thornton Creek is not in the Lincoln City area, it is nearby and is only about 14 miles southeast of Depoe Bay.

Nature is more majestically diverse than what this simple list can indicate. There is so much diversity in the seasonality of some species among sites in Lincoln County (see Bayer 1993) that the monthly frequencies in this list are meant to be just a general guide for the Lincoln City area and not to be specific for any particular site. Further, a simple list such as this doesn't illustrate the year to year variation in frequency of some species such as the Red Crossbill, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and Pine Siskin (e.g., see Bayer 1993). Hopefully, the frequencies at more sites over several years in this area will be compiled so that we can become more aware that large site-specific and yearly variation in frequencies is to be expected and not finding such diversity is suspect.

So birders may quibble about whether a species should be considered Frequent or Common or Uncommon for a particular month and miss the larger question of whether trying to cram all species into a few categories can depict Nature or accurately reflect what a birder may see at a particular place in a particular year.


F=Frequent (75-100% chance of detecting)
C=Common (50-74% chance of detecting)
u=Uncommon (15-49% chance of detecting)
r=Rare (less than 15% chance of detecting; may not be present every year)
a=Accidental (species with less than 6 total records in recent years)
.=no records (not expected to be detected)

                              |Migration  |Months.........|
==============================|First|Last |JFM|AMJ|JAS|OND|======
Albatross, Black-footed       |5/6  |8/20 |...|.aa|.a.|...|
Auklet, Cassin's              |4/30 |12/12|r.r|ruu|uuu|uur|
Auklet, Rhinoceros            |4/18 |12/24|rrr|uCC|CCC|uur|
Avocet, American              |8/25 |9/4  |...|...|.aa|...|
Bittern, American             |     |     |rrr|rrr|rrr|rrr|
Blackbird, Brewer's           |     |     |FFF|FFF|FFF|FFF|
Blackbird, Red-winged         |     |     |FFF|FFF|CuC|CCC|
Blackbird, Yellow-headed      |4/28 |6/7  |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |7/2  |8/28 |...|aaa|aa.|...|
Bluebird, Western             |     |     |rru|uuu|rru|urr|
Brant, Black                  |     |     |..r|rr.|...|...|
Bufflehead                    |10/7 |5/20 |FFF|FFr|rrr|FFF|
Bunting, Lark                 |5/26 |5/26 |...|.a.|...|...|
Bunting, Snow                 |10/24|4/14 |rrr|r..|...|rur|
Bushtit                       |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Canvasback                    |10/3 |5/15 |FFF|Fur|rrr|FFF|
Chat, Yellow-breasted         |9/4  |9/25 |...|...|..a|...|
Chickadee, Black-capped       |     |     |CCC|CCC|CCC|CCC|
Chickadee, Chestnut-backed    |     |     |CCC|CCC|CCC|CCC|

==============================|First|Last |JFM|AMJ|JAS|OND|======
Chickadee, Mountain           |9/8  |4/29 |aaa|a..|..a|aaa|
Coot, American                |8/20 |5/22 |CCC|CCr|ruC|CCC|
Cormorant, Brandt's           |     |     |FFF|FFF|FFF|FFF|
Cormorant, Double-crested     |     |     |FFF|FFu|uFF|FFF|
Cormorant, Pelagic            |     |     |FFF|FFF|FFF|FFF|
Cowbird, Brown-headed         |4/6  |9/19 |rrr|CFF|Fuu|rrr|
Crane, Sandhill               |3/1  |3/1  |..a|...|...|...|
Creeper, Brown                |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Crossbill, Red                |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Crossbill, White-winged       |2/7  |4/5  |.a.|a..|...|...|
Crow, American                |     |     |FFF|FFF|FFF|FFF|
Curlew, Long-billed           |4/21 |5/30 |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |8/12 |10/6 |rrr|uur|rur|rrr|
Dipper, American              |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Dove, Mourning                |4/12 |6/8  |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |8/22 |11/19|rrr|uuu|uuu|urr|
Dove, Rock                    |     |     |CCC|CCC|CCC|CCC|
Dowitcher, Long-billed        |7/5  |5/17 |uuu|Fur|CCC|Cuu|
Dowitcher, Short-billed       |3/27 |5/20 |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |6/29 |11/5 |.rr|Cur|CCC|rrr|

==============================|First|Last |JFM|AMJ|JAS|OND|======
Duck, Harlequin               |     |     |uuu|uur|ruu|uuu|
Duck, Ring-necked             |9/11 |5/27 |FFF|Frr|r.C|FFF|
Duck, Ruddy                   |9/12 |5/18 |FFF|Crr|rru|FFF|
Duck, Wood                    |2/17 |     |uuC|CCC|CCC|Cuu|
Dunlin                        |8/21 |5/27 |CCC|FFr|ruC|FFF|
Eagle, Bald                   |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Eagle, Golden                 |10/20|10/20|...|...|...|a..|
Egret, Cattle                 |10/14|12/22|...|...|...|ruu|
Egret, Great                  |7/11 |5/29 |uuu|urr|CFF|FFC|
Egret, Snowy                  |11/8 |11/8 |...|...|...|.a.|
Falcon, Peregrine             |8/4  |5/15 |uuu|urr|ruu|uuu|
Finch, House                  |     |     |FFF|FFF|FFF|FFF|
Finch, Purple                 |     |     |ruu|CFF|FFC|urr|
Flicker, Northern             |     |     |FFF|FCC|CCF|FFF|
    " (yellow-shafted)        |10/8 |3/22 |rrr|...|...|rrr|
Flycatcher, Hammond's         |4/20 |9/21 |...|uCC|uuu|...|
Flycatcher, Olive-sided       |5/2  |8/29 |...|.CC|Cu.|...|
Flycatcher, Pacific-slope     |4/22 |9/15 |...|uFF|FCu|r..|
Flycatcher, Willow            |5/15 |9/10 |...|ruF|FCu|r..|

==============================|First|Last |JFM|AMJ|JAS|OND|======
Fulmar, Northern              |9/30 |1/3  |r.r|...|r.r|uur|
Gadwall                       |8/21 |5/7  |FFF|Crr|rrC|CCC|
Godwit, Marbled               |4/7  |5/26 |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |8/3  |10/27|rrr|uur|rCC|Cur|
Goldeneye, Common             |10/10|4/18 |FFF|C..|...|uFF|
Goldfinch, American           |4/9  |     |rrr|CFF|FFu|uuu|
Goldfinch, Lesser             |4/9  |5/20 |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |7/3  |10/30|r..|rrr|rrr|r..|
Goose, Canada                 |     |     |FFF|FFF|FFF|FFF|
Goose, Emperor                |10/11|6/12 |aaa|aaa|...|a.a|
Goose, Greater White-fronted  |9/5  |     |rrr|uur|rru|Cuu|
Goose, Snow                   |10/17|12/12|rrr|rr.|...|rrr|
Goshawk, Northern             |     |     |rrr|rr.|.rr|rr.|
Grebe, Clark's                |8/28 |4/17 |rrr|rr.|rrr|rrr|
Grebe, Eared                  |10/10|4/26 |uuu|u.r|rrr|uuu|
Grebe, Horned                 |9/1  |6/9  |FFF|FFr|rrF|FFF|
Grebe, Pied-billed            |8/5  |5/21 |CCC|Cur|rCC|CCC|
Grebe, Red-necked             |9/7  |5/23 |CCC|CC.|rrC|CCC|
Grebe, Western                |     |     |FFF|FFF|FFF|FFF|

==============================|First|Last |JFM|AMJ|JAS|OND|======
Grosbeak, Black-headed        |5/1  |9/8  |...|rFF|FCr|...|
Grosbeak, Evening             |     |     |uuu|CCC|CCC|Cuu|
Grouse, Blue                  |     |     |.rr|rrr|rrr|rrr|
Grouse, Ruffed                |     |     |uuu|CCu|uuu|Cuu|
Guillemot, Pigeon             |2/10 |12/30|ruF|FFF|FFF|urr|
Gull, Bonaparte's             |3/29 |1/9  |urr|FFC|CCC|CCC|
Gull, California              |     |     |CCC|CCu|CCC|CCC|
Gull, Franklin's              |     |     |rr.|rr.|rrr|rrr|
Gull, Glaucous                |11/11|5/7  |uuu|uur|rrr|.ru|
Gull, Glaucous-winged         |     |     |FFF|FFC|CCF|FFF|
Gull, Heermann's              |6/16 |11/25|...|.ru|FFF|FFr|
Gull, Herring                 |8/6  |5/15 |CCC|Cur|rrr|CCC|
Gull, Mew                     |7/13 |5/30 |FFF|Fur|rCF|FFF|
Gull, Ring-billed             |     |     |CCC|CCu|CCC|FFF|
Gull, Thayer's                |9/4  |5/11 |uuu|rr.|.rr|uuu|
Gull, Western                 |     |     |FFF|FFF|FFF|FFF|
Harrier, Northern             |7/8  |5/26 |CCC|Crr|uuu|CCC|
Hawk, Cooper's                |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Hawk, Red-shouldered          |     |     |.rr|...|.rr|r.r|

==============================|First|Last |JFM|AMJ|JAS|OND|======
Hawk, Red-tailed              |     |     |uuu|CCC|CCu|uuu|
Hawk, Rough-legged            |10/20|3/27 |rrr|rr.|...|rrr|
Hawk, Sharp-shinned           |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Heron, Great Blue             |     |     |FFF|FFF|FFF|FFF|
Heron, Green                  |3/20 |     |uru|CCC|CCC|Cuu|
Hummingbird, Anna's           |9/6  |     |uuu|urr|rru|uuu|
Hummingbird, Rufous           |2/15 |9/19 |.uC|FFF|FCu|r..|
Jaeger, Long-tailed           |8/28 |9/23 |...|...|.aa|...|
Jaeger, Parasitic             |5/7  |6/18 |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |8/24 |10/26|...|.rr|.rr|rrr|
Jaeger, Pomarine              |8/19 |1/19 |r..|r..|.rr|rrr|
Jay, Gray                     |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Jay, Scrub                    |     |     |r.r|rrr|rrr|rrr|
Jay, Steller's                |     |     |FFF|FFF|FFF|FFF|
Junco, Dark-eyed              |     |     |FFF|FFu|uuu|FFF|
    " (slate-colored)         |10/16|5/15 |rrr|rr.|...|rrr|
Kestrel, American             |8/10 |5/10 |uuu|uur|ruu|uuu|
Killdeer                      |     |     |CCC|CCC|CCC|CCC|

==============================|First|Last |JFM|AMJ|JAS|OND|======
Kingbird, Tropical            |10/14|10/14|...|...|...|a..|
Kingbird, Western             |4/22 |6/5  |...|uCr|rrr|r..|
Kingfisher, Belted            |     |     |FFF|FFF|FFF|FFF|
Kinglet, Golden-crowned       |     |     |FFF|FFC|CCF|FFF|
Kinglet, Ruby-crowned         |9/8  |5/22 |FFF|FC.|.rC|FFF|
Kite, White-tailed            |     |     |rrr|rrr|rrr|rrr|
Kittiwake, Black-legged       |8/15 |5/17 |rru|urr|rru|uuu|
Knot, Red                     |2/25 |5/17 |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |8/15 |11/11|rrr|CC.|rrC|uuu|
Longspur, Lapland             |4/8  |5/7  |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |9/8  |10/28|rrr|rr.|..r|rr.|
Loon, Common                  |     |     |FFF|FFu|uuF|FFF|
Loon, Pacific                 |     |     |CCC|CCu|uuC|CCC|
Loon, Red-throated            |8/17 |5/20 |CCC|CCu|uuC|CCC|
Loon, Yellow-billed           |11/11|5/23 |rrr|rrr|rrr|.rr|
Mallard                       |     |     |FFF|FFC|CCF|FFF|
Martin, Purple                |4/10 |9/9  |..r|CCC|CCu|...|
Meadowlark, Western           |8/1  |5/22 |uuu|urr|rru|uuu|
Merganser, Common             |     |     |CCC|Cuu|uuu|CCC|

==============================|First|Last |JFM|AMJ|JAS|OND|======
Merganser, Hooded             |     |     |CCC|CCu|uuu|CCC|
Merganser, Red-breasted       |10/12|6/10 |CCC|CCu|...|uCC|
Merlin                        |9/6  |5/5  |rrr|ur.|rru|urr|
Mockingbird, Northern         |5/10 |6/9  |.r.|rrr|rrr|rrr|
Murre, Common                 |     |     |uCC|FFF|FFC|uuu|
Murrelet, Ancient             |7/12 |4/4  |uuu|rrr|rrr|ruu|
Murrelet, Marbled             |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Murrelet, Xantus'             |10/24|11/18|...|...|...|aa.|
Nighthawk, Common             |5/30 |9/18 |...|.ru|uuu|...|
Nuthatch, Red-breasted        |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Nuthatch, White-breasted      |9/3  |9/27 |...|...|..a|...|
Oldsquaw                      |10/19|5/12 |uuu|urr|rrr|uuu|
Oriole, Hooded                |12/1 |12/29|...|...|...|..a|
Oriole, Northern              |5/10 |7/18 |rrr|rur|r.r|rrr|
Osprey                        |4/9  |10/22|rrr|uuu|uuu|urr|
Owl, Barn                     |     |     |rrr|rrr|rrr|rrr|
Owl, Great Horned             |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Owl, Northern Pygmy           |     |     |uuu|urr|rru|urr|
Owl, Northern Saw-whet        |     |     |uuu|rrr|rrr|uuu|

==============================|First|Last |JFM|AMJ|JAS|OND|======
Owl, Short-eared              |10/2 |5/5  |rrr|rrr|.rr|rrr|
Owl, Snowy                    |11/6 |4/12 |aaa|a..|...|.aa|
Owl, Spotted                  |     |     |.r.|rrr|rr.|...|
Owl, Western Screech-         |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Oystercatcher, Black          |     |     |CCC|CCC|CCC|CCC|
Pelican, Brown                |4/20 |1/9  |r.r|ruC|FFF|FFu|
Petrel, Fork-tailed Storm-    |     |     |rrr|rrr|.rr|rr.|
Petrel, Leach's Storm-        |     |     |..r|.rr|r..|rrr|
Petrel, Mottled               |12/10|12/10|...|...|...|..a|
Pewee, Western Wood-          |4/26 |9/15 |...|rCF|FCu|...|
Phalarope, Red                |5/11 |5/31 |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |10/8 |1/2  |rrr|rCr|rrr|rCu|
Phalarope, Red-necked         |4/28 |5/28 |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |8/15 |11/22|r.r|rCr|rCC|rrr|
Phalarope, Wilson's           |5/7  |5/7  |...|.a.|...|...|
Pheasant, Ring-necked         |     |     |rrr|r.r|...|rrr|
Pigeon, Band-tailed           |2/19 |11/20|ruu|uCF|FFF|uur|
Pintail, Northern             |8/4  |4/24 |FFF|Frr|rFF|FFF|
Pipit, American               |4/12 |5/15 |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |9/6  |12/26|r.r|uu.|rru|urr|

==============================|First|Last |JFM|AMJ|JAS|OND|======
Plover, American Golden-      |9/20 |10/2 |...|...|..r|r..|
Plover, Black-bellied         |7/1  |6/12 |CCC|CCu|CCC|CCC|
Plover, Mountain              |2/3  |2/25 |.a.|...|...|...|
Plover, Pacific Golden-       |10/16|11/21|...|...|...|rr.|
Plover, Semipalmated          |4/6  |6/4  |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |7/6  |12/11|rrr|FFr|FFF|urr|
Plover, Snowy                 |     |     |aaa|aaa|aaa|aaa|
Puffin, Horned                |12/5 |12/10|...|...|...|..a|
Puffin, Tufted                |3/30 |9/10 |r.r|CCC|CCu|rrr|
Quail, California             |     |     |rrr|rrr|rrr|rrr|
Quail, Mountain               |     |     |rru|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Rail, Virginia                |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Raven, Common                 |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Redhead                       |10/23|4/28 |rrr|rrr|...|rrr|
Robin, American               |     |     |CFF|FFF|FFF|Fuu|
Sanderling                    |7/23 |5/28 |FFF|FCr|rCC|FFF|
Sandpiper, Baird's            |4/25 |5/15 |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |7/28 |10/17|r..|rrr|ruu|rr.|

==============================|First|Last |JFM|AMJ|JAS|OND|======
Sandpiper, Least              |7/2  |5/28 |CCC|CCr|uCC|CCC|
Sandpiper, Pectoral           |4/19 |5/17 |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |8/1  |11/4 |.r.|rr.|ruC|ur.|
Sandpiper, Rock               |10/12|5/7  |uur|rr.|..r|ruu|
Sandpiper, Semipalmated       |7/17 |10/2 |...|...|a.a|a..|
Sandpiper, Sharp-tailed       |9/26 |10/17|...|...|..a|a..|
Sandpiper, Solitary           |4/29 |5/2  |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |9/16 |9/16 |...|aa.|..a|...|
Sandpiper, Spotted            |     |     |Cuu|CCC|CCC|CCC|
Sandpiper, Stilt              |8/30 |9/20 |...|...|.aa|...|
Sandpiper, Western            |6/24 |5/28 |FFF|FFC|FFF|FFF|
Sapsucker, Red-breasted       |     |     |urr|ruu|uuu|uuu|
Scaup, Greater                |9/26 |6/22 |FFF|FCu|rrr|uFF|
Scaup, Lesser                 |9/23 |5/15 |FFF|ur.|.rr|uFF|
Scoter, Black                 |     |     |uuu|uur|ruu|uuu|
Scoter, Surf                  |     |     |FFF|FFF|FFF|FFF|
Scoter, White-winged          |     |     |FFF|FFu|uuF|FFF|
Shearwater, Black-vented      |     |     |   |   |   |   |
     or Manx                  |11/3 |11/3 |...|...|...|.a.|

==============================|First|Last |JFM|AMJ|JAS|OND|======
Shearwater, Buller's          |9/26 |12/30|...|a..|..a|aaa|
Shearwater, Pink-footed       |8/26 |11/12|...|...|.rr|rr.|
Shearwater, Short-tailed      |10/29|5/19 |r.r|.r.|...|rur|
Shearwater, Sooty             |4/30 |11/26|r.r|rrr|uuC|uur|
Shoveler, Northern            |8/20 |5/20 |CCC|CCr|.ru|CCC|
Shrike, Northern              |10/12|3/29 |rrr|rr.|...|rrr|
Siskin, Pine                  |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Skua, South Polar             |12/10|12/10|...|...|...|..a|
Snipe, Common                 |8/22 |5/14 |CCC|Cur|.ru|CCC|
Solitaire, Townsend's         |11/24|5/4  |rrr|rrr|...|.r.|
Sora                          |     |     |r.r|rr.|.rr|r.r|
Sparrow, American Tree        |4/2  |4/2  |...|a..|...|...|
Sparrow, Chipping             |4/8  |5/29 |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |     |9/16 |..r|uur|rrr|r..|
Sparrow, Fox                  |8/15 |5/3  |CCC|Cr.|.uu|CCC|
Sparrow, Golden-crowned       |9/13 |5/20 |CCC|CC.|.ru|uCC|
Sparrow, Harris'              |11/16|11/16|...|...|...|.a.|
Sparrow, House                |     |     |FFF|FFF|FFF|CCC|
Sparrow, Lincoln's            |9/12 |5/20 |rrr|ur.|rrr|uuu|

=============================|First|Last |JFM|AMJ|JAS|OND|======
Sparrow, Savannah             |3/16 |     |urC|CCC|CCC|uuu|
Sparrow, Song                 |     |     |FFF|FFF|FFF|FFF|
Sparrow, Swamp                |10/17|1/15 |a..|...|...|aaa|
Sparrow, Vesper               |5/2  |6/4  |...|.aa|...|...|
Sparrow, White-crowned        |3/29 |     |uuu|FFF|FFF|Cuu|
Sparrow, White-throated       |9/30 |4/27 |uuu|u..|..r|uuu|
Starling, European            |     |     |FFF|FFF|FFF|FFF|
Surfbird                      |7/8  |5/3  |FFF|Fr.|FFF|FFF|
Swallow, Barn                 |4/1  |9/28 |.rr|FFF|FFC|r.r|
Swallow, Cliff                |3/29 |9/11 |..r|uCF|FCu|...|
Swallow, Northern Rough-winged|3/30 |9/6  |..r|uCu|urr|...|
Swallow, Tree                 |2/10 |9/9  |rrC|FFF|Cuu|...|
Swallow, Violet-green         |2/21 |10/7 |rrC|FFF|FCu|r..|
Swan, Black                   |     |     |.a.|...|aa.|..a|
Swan, Mute                    |     |     |aaa|.a.|...|.a.|
Swan, Trumpeter               |11/2 |2/5  |rr.|...|...|.rr|
Swan, Tundra                  |10/26|3/13 |uur|r..|...|ruu|

==============================|First|Last |JFM|AMJ|JAS|OND|======
Swift, Black                  |5/19 |5/19 |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |9/2  |9/2  |...|.a.|..a|...|
Swift, Vaux's                 |4/28 |9/26 |...|rCu|uuC|...|
Tanager, Western              |5/5  |9/23 |...|rCC|CCu|...|
Tattler, Wandering            |4/16 |6/10 |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |7/11 |10/29|urr|uCu|CCC|Cru|
Teal, Blue-winged             |3/31 |6/5  |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |9/9  |10/24|r.r|uCu|.rr|rrr|
Teal, Cinnamon                |2/21 |6/12 |ruC|Cur|rrr|.rr|
Teal, Green-winged            |8/16 |5/16 |FFF|Fu.|ruu|FFF|
Tern, Arctic                  |4/8  |5/19 |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |8/28 |10/12|...|rr.|.ru|rr.|
Tern, Caspian                 |3/23 |10/12|..r|FFC|FFF|u..|
Tern, Common                  |4/29 |5/25 |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |8/19 |10/27|...|rur|ruC|ur.|
Tern, Forster's               |9/11 |9/11 |...|...|..a|...|
Thrush, Hermit                |9/29 |5/16 |uuu|uur|.rr|uuu|
Thrush, Swainson's            |4/21 |10/23|..r|rCF|FFF|urr|
Thrush, Varied                |     |     |CCC|CCu|uuC|CCC|

==============================|First|Last |JFM|AMJ|JAS|OND|======
Towhee, Rufous-sided          |     |     |CCC|CCC|uuu|CCC|
Turkey, Wild                  |5/3  |5/3  |...|.a.|...|...|
Turnstone, Black              |7/10 |5/14 |FFF|FFr|FFF|FFF|
Turnstone, Ruddy              |7/18 |5/18 |rru|uCr|CCC|uur|
Vireo, Hutton's               |     |     |rrC|uuu|uuu|urr|
Vireo, Solitary               |4/15 |9/15 |...|ruu|uur|...|
Vireo, Warbling               |4/24 |9/17 |...|rFF|FCu|...|
Vulture, Turkey               |2/15 |10/5 |.uu|FFF|FFC|ur.|
Warbler, Black-throated Gray- |4/9  |10/4 |r.r|CFC|uuu|r..|
Warbler, Hermit               |4/26 |9/8  |rr.|uCC|Cuu|r..|
Warbler, MacGillivray's       |4/27 |9/9  |.rr|ruu|urr|..r|
Warbler, Nashville            |8/20 |5/13 |rrr|rrr|.rr|r.r|
Warbler, Orange-crowned       |3/25 |10/6 |rru|CCC|uuu|rrr|
Warbler, Palm                 |9/23 |4/4  |urr|rrr|.rr|uuu|
Warbler, Townsend's           |8/15 |5/14 |uuu|rrr|ruu|uuu|
Warbler, Wilson's             |4/7  |9/27 |rr.|CFF|FFu|r.r|
Warbler, Yellow               |3/29 |9/20 |..r|ruu|uur|r..|
Warbler, Yellow-rumped        |9/10 |6/10 |uuu|CCr|rru|Cuu|
Waxwing, Cedar                |5/14 |11/22|rrr|ruF|FFF|uur|

==============================|First|Last |JFM|AMJ|JAS|OND|======
Whimbrel                      |     |     |rrr|FFu|uCC|Cuu|
Wigeon, American              |8/14 |5/13 |FFF|Frr|ruF|FFF|
Wigeon, Eurasian              |9/30 |4/2  |uuu|r..|.rr|uuu|
Willet                        |7/6  |5/20 |uuu|urr|uCC|CCu|
Woodpecker, Downy             |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Woodpecker, Hairy             |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Woodpecker, Lewis'            |     |     |...|.a.|...|..a|
Woodpecker, Pileated          |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Wren, Bewick's                |     |     |CCC|CCC|CCC|CCC|
Wren, House                   |5/4  |9/11 |.r.|rCu|uuu|r..|
Wren, Marsh                   |     |     |uuu|uuu|uuu|uuu|
Wren, Winter                  |     |     |FFF|FCC|CCC|FFF|
Wrentit                       |     |     |CCC|CCC|CCC|CCC|
Yellowlegs, Greater           |6/28 |5/27 |CCC|CCr|CCC|CCC|
Yellowlegs, Lesser            |3/4  |5/7  |   |   |   |   |
    "                         |7/9  |11/21|.rr|Cu.|uCu|uur|
Yellowthroat, Common          |4/4  |10/2 |r.r|uuu|uuu|r..|



Bayer, R. D. 1993. Bird frequencies for Lincoln County, Oregon. Gahmken Guide No. 4. Gahmken Press, P.O. Box 1467, Newport, OR 97365.

Evanich, J. E., Jr. 1990. The birder's guide to Oregon. Portland Audubon Society.

Faxon, D. and R. D. Bayer. 1991. Birds of the Coast Range of Lincoln County, Oregon. Vol. I: Birds of Thornton Creek. Studies in Oregon Ornithology No. 8.

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Email comments to Range Bayer or see Yaquina.Info Page, Newport, Oregon 97365 USA.