Menu of June-December 1994 (sections 94.31-94.93) Bird Field Notes 
             by Range Bayer from the Sandpiper (a publication 
             of Yaquina Birders & Naturalists, Lincoln County, Oregon) 
Section   Month of 
No.       Sandpiper, Volume 15
94.31     June 1994 
94.37     July 1994 
94.50     August 1994 
94.56     September 1994 
94.65     October 1994 
94.76     November 1994 
94.86     December 1994 

94.31               June 1994 Sandpiper 15(6)

     Abbreviations and Site Locations: Bayview Pasture (swale east of 
junction of Beaver Creek Road and North Alsea Bay Road), Driftwood Beach SP 
(State Park about 1/2 way between Seal Rocks and Waldport), HY=hatch-year 
(birds hatched this year), Idaho Flats=large embayment just east of the 
MSC, MSC=Marine Science Center, Sallys Bend=large embayment east of the LNG 
tank at Yaquina Bay, Sandpiper Village=residential area west of HWY 101 and 
just north of Waldport, Thiel Creek=creek just south of the Newport 
Airport, YBSJ=Yaquina Bay South Jetty.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.32                            GREBE-EGRET

     A RED-NECKED GREBE in breeding plumage lingered at Yaquina Head on 
6/5; WESTERN GREBES (which regularly oversummer as nonbreeders) were also 
present there then (KM).

     Two old, well-decayed BLACK-FOOTED ALBATROSSES washed ashore at Thiel 
Creek in early June (BLo, S&DB).  About 120 SHEARWATERS arrived near Seal 
Rocks on 5/22 (KM); they were probably SOOTY SHEARWATERS.

     About 9-11 BROWN PELICANS flew by the Sandpiper Village beach on 5/22 
(L&LS), and one was at Yaquina Head on 6/5 (KM).

     AMERICAN BITTERNS are rarely reported in Lincoln County, even though 
some may be present, so a report of their calling at Cabell Marsh, Finley 
National Wildlife Refuge (Benton Ca.) is of interest.  Between about 5-7 PM 
on 6/1, KM saw two calling.  The process began when one began biting at the 
air, apparently swallowing air, so that the neck became swollen.  During 
the call, the swelling was slung around the neck and upper breast, and the 
head also moved.  KM noted that the process did not look dignified, as 
"bittern anatomy was being flung around in all directions."  KM also wrote: 
"Wards and drawings cannot describe the flair and drama of this process.  I 
will never forget this amazing sight."  She also heard them calling there 
at 7:30-8 PM on 6/15, so maybe we need to listen for them more in the 

     A probable nonbreeding GREAT EGRET at Idaho Flats on 6/1 (TM) is 
unusually late here.  Although there are at least two nesting records for 
Coos Bay, I know of no nesting records north of there.  "Fall" migrants 
often arrive in mid-July.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *


     RL spotted a MUTE SWAN flying over Waldport towards Alsea Bay on 
5/26--is this the lone survivor of the "gang of four" first detected at 
Sallys Bend on St. Patrick's Day (March 17) 1991?

     On 5/18-20, RG saw several flocks of 18-30, noisy CANADA GEESE flying 
low northward over Nelscott; KM also saw a flock of 52 flying north on 5/22 
at Yachats.  Three with neck collars were grounded at Bayview Pasture on 
5/18 (L&LS), and seven pairs with 2-7 goslings/pair were at Alsea Bay 
on 5/23 (L&LS).

     A GR. WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE lingered at Alsea Bay to at least 5/27 
(L&LS).  A few nonbreeding BRANT regularly oversummer, but their location 
is unpredictable; one was at the YBSJ on 6/6 (EH).

     An AMERICAN KESTREL west of the town of Siletz on 6/4 (CP) may 
indicate nesting--we don't have a confirmed nesting record for Lincoln 
County, although we have had a few records that circumstantially indicate 

     On 5/31, RG saw two adult BALD EAGLES perched in their Devils Lake 
nest tree.  An immature was at the Sitka Center (Tillamook Co.) in early 
June (PR).

     Our first CALIFORNIA QUAIL in some time visited the MSC on 6/1 (EH & 
DP).  One RUFFED GROUSE strolled through SS's Neskowin backyard on 6/16.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.34                 SANDHILL CRANE-ALCIDS

     L&LS reported a flock of 34 probable SANDHILL CRANES at north Alsea 
Bay on 6/3--it would be only our sixth record for Lincoln County, and the 
most ever seen in spring, but no one was able to confirm this sighting.

     EH found a LONG-BILLED CURLEW amongst the WHIMBRELS at Idaho Flats on 
5/4.  He also discerned two PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVERS at Idaho Flats on 5/4; 
this is only our fourth spring with a golden-plover record.

     A MARBLED GODWIT was at the Sandpiper Village beach on 5/2 (L&LS).  
RED-NECKED PHALAROPES were sparse this spring but were noted at Sandpiper 
Village beach on 5/18&21 (L&LS) and Yaquina Head on 5/22 (KM).

     EH studied a FRANKLIN'S GULL in transitional breeding plumage at Idaho 
Flats on 6/6--it is our first June record and only our third spring record.

     Typically, we start having dead HY COMMON MURRES wash ashore every 
summer beginning in late June and early July.  We also often have some dead 
adults beached in May, but none were found along 4.6 miles of Thiel Creek 
Beach in May (BLo, S&DB).  On 6/19, KM saw 9 murre chicks and three 
abandoned eggs on the murres' nesting rocks at Yaquina Head.

     A dead MARBLED MURRELET was beached near Thiel Creek in May (BLo, 
S&DB).  71 live Marbled's were on the water at Seal Rocks and Yachats on 
6/5 (KM).  1-2 TUFTED PUFFINS were at Yaquina Head on 5/22 (KM).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.35                DOVE-PURPLE MARTIN

     MOURNING DOVES were reported at Sandpiper Village throughout May 
(L&LS), one visited South Beach on 5/21 (TM), and our latest report this 
summer is for one near the MSC on 6/16 (LO).

     Our only COMMON NIGHTHAWK report was for one west of Siletz on 6/4 

     VAUX'S SWIFTS were at Sandpiper Village an 5/13 (L&LS).  CP saw a nest 
with three eggs being incubated in his chimney in Toledo on 6/16--this may 
be our only definite nesting record here!  PR also saw an adult at Beverly 
Beach State Park on 6/18.

     On 6/11, VB was surprised by a yellow HUMMINGBIRD at her home between 
Newport on Toledo.  Similarly, JK was charmed by a yellow hummer at her 
Newport home in March 1992--Erica Dunn wrote in the Spring 1992 Project 
FeederWatch news that such rare color variation can be a result of genetic 
defects or developmental errors.  These individuals are not new species; 
field guides don't have space to show all variants.

     No ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD sightings were reported; our most complete 
recent summer with their sightings was in 1983.  But I suspect that a few 
are around and that we are missing them.

     EH found a nesting RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKER flying in and out of a 
cavity in a snag at Mike Miller Park on 6/6; they nested in the same snag 
last year (EH).

     NORTHERN FLICKERS are much more widely distributed here in winter than 
in summer, but they do nest locally.  On 6/11, BLo saw a pair near Thiel 
Creek that were probably nesting.

     Our latest WESTERN KINGBIRD was one near the west side of Idaho Flats 
on 6/6 (EH)--we have only two years with records in late June and three 
years with records in early July.  These are probably all lingering 

     At least one pair of PURPLE MARTINS was at one of the nestboxes at the 
MSC Lagoon on 6/182 (EH).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.36                  BUSHTIT-SPARROWS

     4-5 fledgling BUSHTITS sat in a row on a branch, with at least one 
attentive adult intermittently feeding them on 6/7 at Logsden (BLl).

     BROWN CREEPERS are often overlooked here, but EH detected at least one 
at Mike Miller Park on 5/30.

     Nesting WESTERN BLUEBIRDS carried food into a cavity in a snag west of 
Siletz on 6/4 (CP).

     On 6/19, DF spotted a singing male NORTHERN PARULA at the Wayside at 
the north end of Alsea Bay Bridge; it was later found by JW, CP, and RL.  
This is the first verified record for Lincoln County.  It seems out of 
season, but, in apparently similar habitat, one was also seen singing from 
22 June-3 July 1957 near Coos Bay (1957 Aud. Field Notes 11:440, 1978 
Oregon Birds 4[3]:6).

     We have relatively few records of YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS nesting here, 
so CP's sighting of two fledglings of the Audubon's form at Toledo in early 
June is appreciated.

     Our only YELLOW WARBLER report was for one at the MSC an 5/26 (EH).

     YELLOW-BREASTED CHATS are rare in Lincoln and coastal Lane counties, 
but RW found one at Florence on 6/16; it was the first one that she's seen 

     RG saw the first SAVANNAH SPARROWS at Nelscott on 5/13.  It was 
probably a part of the spring migration reported last month.

     OBSERVERS: Virginia Brayton, Sara & Don Brown, Darrel Faxon, 
Ruth Goodrich, Eric Horvath, Jean Kaye, Bob Llewellyn (BLl), 
Bob Loeffel (BLo), Roy Lowe, Kathy Merrifield, Terry Morse, Laimons Osis, 
Chuck Philo, Dave Pitkin, Paul Reed, Shirley Schwartz, 
Lloyd & Luella Seabury, Ruth Warren, Jean Weakland.

94.37                July 1994 Sandpiper 15(7)

      Abbreviations and Site Locations: Boone Slough=westernmost of two 
freshwater impoundments at railroad trestles along North Yaquina Bay Road, 
Eckman Slough=slough between Alsea Bay and Eckman Lake, HY=hatch-year 
(birds hatched this year), Idaho Flats=large embayment just east of the 
MSC, MSC=Marine Science Center, MSC Lagoon=lagoon just north of MSC Public 
Parking Lot, Nute Slough=easternmost of two freshwater impoundments at 
railroad trestles along North Yaquina Bay Road, Sandpiper 
Village=residential area west of HWY 101 and just north of Waldport, Thiel 
Creek=creek just south of the Newport Airport, Yaquina John Point=point 
near HWY 101 and just south of Waldport).   
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.38             COFFEE BY THE RIVER 

      Sometimes birders are at odds with fishermen or hunters, but we all 
have much in common.

      On 6/3, at Taylor's Landing, seven miles up the Alsea River, D&BM 
were sitting on the dock with a mid-morning cup of coffee.  They write: 
"The river is glassy, reflecting all the green of alder and grasses growing 
on its far side.  Occasionally the surface is ruffled by a fish's kiss.  
There is a Song Sparrow singing lustily behind us.  Masses of Violet-green 
and Barn Swallows patrol the water's surface and the air above.  Higher 
still an Osprey circles, disappearing behind the crest and reappearing 
later downstream.  A couple of crows fly by, as does a lone cormorant.  A 
kingfisher cackles its way upriver close to the other bank.  It is followed 
shortly by another, its mate?  At the end of the dock, a family of 
Mallards--pop, mom, and eleven ducklings rest.  Maybe this is why some 
people are avid fishermen?" 
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.39                      LOONS-CORMORANTS

      On 7/4, one COMMON, 10 PACIFIC, and 2 RED-THROATED LOONS were at Seal 
Rocks (KM).  A few nonbreeders of all three species usually oversummer in 
low numbers each year.

      Nonbreeding WESTERN GREBES oversummer along the coast here virtually 
every year and several were at Yaquina Head in July (KM; RB).  On the other 
hand, CLARK'S GREBES rarely oversummer here, but JB was able to do a 
careful ID of one that had washed ashore and was dying near Yachats on 7/2.  
And, on 7/24, KM saw one that was very much alive in the breakers just 
south of Yachats.

      About 14-18 miles off Otter Rock on 7/25, RL & DP spotted one 
ALBATROSSES, one of which flew within just a few feet of their Zodiac.  But 
they noted that there were surprisingly few birds out there, and most were 
near shrimp boats. 

      Along 4.6 miles of beach at Thiel Creek, three Black-footed 
Albatrosses washed ashore in June along with a LEACH'S STORM-PETREL (BL, 
S&DB).  Both species are seldom found beached there. 

      2-15 BROWN PELICANS were noted during 12 days in May and six days in 
June at Yaquina Head (BLM), so they have been regularly noted there.  They 
have become much more common in late July, when several were at Newport 
(ER) and Nelscott (RGo). 

     During his USFWS survey, RL counted 388 PELAGIC CORMORANT nests at 
Cape Foulweather, which is an increase from the past two years.  But 
additional analyses are needed to tell if this represents a real population 
increase or a movement to Cape Foulweather.

     There were also 13 Pelagic nests on concrete ledges of the Yaquina Bay 
Bridge on 7/12 (RL).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.40                         GREAT BLUE HERONS
     One GBH walked the rocks at Seal Rocks on 7/18 (OP).  Adults can 
overwinter at areas sheltered from people at Whale Cove and Boiler Bay, but 
there appears to be too much human disturbance at Seal Rocks for one to 
persist there throughout the winter.

     1-4 Great Blues flew northward past RB's Newport Apt. on 7/1, 17, & 
28.  Because they only fly by there at about this time of the year and are 
only seen flying northward, this may represent a northward post-breeding 
dispersal along our coastline, like noted in several seabirds (e.g., Brown 
Pelicans, Heermann's Gulls, and Common Murres). 
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *


     On 7/26 at about 10 AM at Yaquina Head, RL flushed a HY 
BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON fishing along the intertidal; a site and time of 
day where adults are not seen here.  There are no nesting records of this 
species in Lincoln County, but they are so secretive and there has been so 
little observation effort that they may do so. 

     The first "fall" reports of immigrating GREAT EGRETS were of one at 
Alsea Bay on 7/17 (KM) and at Ona Beach on 7/20 (JW); two were also near 
Nute Slough on 7/29 (CP).  On 7/31, two flocks of 2-3 probable Great Egrets 
were seen flying north off Cape Perpetua (RS). 

     We had two COMMON MERGANSER reports; on 7/4, RL saw a brood of 7 young 
with an adult female upstream on the Alsea River, and, on 7/17, KM found a 
flock of 37 at North Alsea Bay.  Please remember that HY Common's IN SUMMER 
can look like the field guides' pictures of female Red-breasted's, which 
are very rare here in summer and often misidentified. 

     Nonbreeding scoters commonly oversummer along our coast; at Yaquina 
Head: a BLACK SCOTER was present on 6/14 (BLM) and 7/24 (KM); 1-4 SURF 
SCOTERS were discovered on 6/30 (BLM), 7/4 (KM), and 7/10 (RB); and a few 
WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS were noted on 7/4 (KM).  KM also found as many as 
25-50 Surfs and White-wings at Seal Rocks and Yachats on 7/4. 

     A male GREATER SCAUP lingered at Alsea Bay on 7/24 (KM).  This is only 
our second record of Greaters in July, but unidentified scaup have been 
noted in nine previous July's.

     A female HARLEQUIN DUCK at Depoe Bay on 7/25 (RL & DP) is an unusual 
summer record for that site; one at Yaquina Head on 7/4 (KM) and two at 
Seal Rocks on 7/24 (JW) and 7/31 (CP & DF) are uncommon but not unexpected. 
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.42                      RAPTORS-GROUSE

     Our first "fall" NORTHERN HARRIERS included one at Eckman Slough on 
7/5 (JW), a female at Cape Perpetua on 7/17 (RS), and one at Cascade Head 
on 7/26

     An immature PEREGRINE FALCON flew over the MSC on 7/28 (RO).  Three 
adult BALD EAGLES flew together over Cape Perpetua on 7/30 (RS).

     CP had our only BLUE GROUSE report; one was drumming on Table Mt. on 
6/24.  L&LS noted our only RUFFED GROUSE on 6/30.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.43                              SHOREBIRDS

     We often think that there is only "spring" and "fall" migration, but 
some species are coming or going almost every month, so it can often be 
misleading or humorous when we try to "pigeon-hole" bird migration into 
just a few categories.

     This is particularly true for shorebirds this time of year when some 
late lingerers almost overlap with early returnees, so that it can 
sometimes be unclear if they are coming or going.

     On 6/1, D&BM saw two WHIMBRELS near Waldport, and, on 6/2, BLM staff 
also found at least one at Yaquina Head.  During several days in June, L&LS 
also saw them at the Sandpiper Village beach.  Some nonbreeders customarily 
oversummer at Yaquina Bay, but this year they appear to have been more 
widespread than usual.

     On 6/2, RL saw a WANDERING TATTLER and two BLACK TURNSTONES lingering 
at Rogue Reef in southern Oregon.

     On 6/6, L&LS noted at least one GREATER YELLOWLEGS in the Beaver Creek 
area, and, on 6/16, at least one SANDERLING at the Sandpiper Village beach.

     But "fall" migration of shorebirds is right on schedule.  The first 
day of summer was 6/21.  On 6/21, RL & DP were conducting an USFWS boat 
survey off Yaquina Head and saw at least 40 RED-NECKED PHALAROPES.  25 
phalaropes were also at Yaquina Head on 7/4 (KM).

     On 6/25, CP saw two GREATER YELLOWLEGS between Boone and Nute Sloughs, 
Yaquina Estuary; on 6/27, RL saw nine flying over the MSC.  We've had five 
other years when the first returnees arrived in late June.

     On 6/27, DP found 25 WESTERN SANDPIPER arrivals between Seal Rocks and 
North Alsea Bay Spit, and, on 6/30, L&LS observed them near the Sandpiper 
Village beach.  We have 8 years with late June arrivals for them.

     RL's two Black Turnstones at Brookings (Curry Co.) on 6/30 may have 
been birds that "oversummered."

     Other "fall" arriving shorebirds include: 30 BLACK-BELLIED PLOVERS at 
Idaho Flats on 7/3 (RL), SEMIPALMATED PLOVERS at Alsea Bay on 7/17 (KM) and 
7/18 (JW), DOWITCHERS at Eckman Lake on 7/17 (KM) and 7/21 (JW), 52-57 
RUDDY TURNSTONES on the beach between Seal Rocks and North Alsea Bay Spit 
on 7/18 & 26 (DP), LEAST SANDPIPERS at Eckman Slough on 7/18 (JW), a 
WANDERING TATTLER on 7/24 at Yachats (KM) and Seal Rocks (JW), and 
SANDERLINGS and SURFBIRDS between Seal Rocks and North Alsea Bay Spit on 
7/26 (DP).

     On 7/31, CP & DF discovered an adult BAR-TAILED GODWIT molting from 
breeding into winter plumage amongst many Whimbrels on the beach just south 
of Seal Rocks at about 3 PM; this is our fourth record and first in July.  
At about 3:30 PM, JW saw a shorebird in the same area with the right shape 
of bill that could have been the Bar-tailed, but the low fog over the sand 
made it impossible to see its coloration and confirm the identification.  
By about 4 PM, L&LS and RB could only find shapes of Whimbrels, turnstones, 
and Sanderlings revealed in the low fog.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.44                          GULLS-TERNS

     WESTERN GULLS were "hawking" insects near Yaquina John Point on 6/1 
(D&BM).  This behavior should become more common in the next two months.

     Nonbreeding BONAPARTE'S GULLS occasionally oversummer, and TM found an 
immature in nonbreeding plumage on 6/10 at Idaho Flats.

     CALIFORNIA GULLS immigrate to the Oregon Coast in July, and KM's 
observation of 19 in a tight flock at Idaho Flats an 7/17 may be among the 
first to arrive.

     RGe detected one adult LONG-TAILED JAEGER at Idaho Flats on 7/11; this 
is only our sixth record, and our first for July.

     CASPIAN TERNS are usually within a mile of the coast, but CP found one 
at Milepost 7 along north Yaquina Bay Road on 6/24.  Some regularly 
oversummer at Yaquina Estuary, but KM's count of 70 on 6/19 seems higher 
than in previous years; others also oversummered in the Sandpiper Village 
area (L&LS).  Although we have no records of their nesting in Lincoln 
County, adult/HY pairs regularly come here in summer, and our first report 
of these pairs this year was on 7/17 at Idaho Flats (RB).  They are a 
recent arrival to the Oregon Coast, and our first Lincoln County record of 
them was in 1966.

     Our only ELEGANT TERNS so far this summer were 3-4 at Idaho Flats on 
7/24 (KM).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.45                           COMMON MURRES

     Murres have nested at 1-2 islands at Yaquina Head for several years, 
but RL discovered the first ever HY murres on the mainland at Yaquina Head 
on 7/5.  The mainland nesting was made possible by the fence at the west 
end of the Head; this fence has stopped intrusion by people or their dogs 
and allows mainland seabird nesting to succeed.

     Dead and dying HY murres typically begin to wash ashore shortly after 
they leave their nesting colony to swim away with their fathers.  This 
year, the first dead murre chick was found washed ashore near Thiel Creek 
the week of 6/25 (BL, S&DB).

     This does not appear to have been a very successful year for murre 
nesting, so not as many murre chicks may wash ashore as in a good year.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.46                    OTHER ALCIDS-NIGHTHAWK

     Two HY MARBLED MURRELETS were in the Yaquina Head/Cape Foulweather 
area on 6/21 (RL & DP). An abnormally high number of four Marbled's washed 
ashore near Thiel Creek in June (BL, S&DB).

     An adult ANCIENT MURRELET in breeding plumage was at Yaquina Head on 
7/4 (KM), another that was not in breeding plumage dove beneath the Yaquina 
Bay Bridge on 7/12 (RL & DP), and a third sighting was of one at Yaquina 
Head on 7/17 (KM).  They have also been found in Lincoln County in July in 
four other years.

     The first CASSIN'S AUKLET of the summer was noted at the Yaquina 
Jetties on 7/12 (RL & DP).

     1-4 TUFTED PUFFINS were noted at Yaquina Head during 13 days in May, 
and 1-3 were counted during 12 days in June (BLM).  Two were also flying 
there on 7/6 (RL) and 7/10 (RB).  So, they appear to be about as common 
there as they have been in recent summers.

     CP notes that MOURNING DOVES have been more widespread the early part 
of this summer than in the past.  He found at least one near the town of 
Siletz on 6/30, near Harlan on 7/2 & 27, and along South Yaquina Bay Road 
on 7/23.  L&LS also viewed at least one at Sandpiper Village throughout 

     Owl reports included a NORTHERN PYGMY OWL along the Salado Breeding 
Bird Survey on 6/22 (JS & DMac) and at Table Mountain on 7/2 (CP).  A 
GREAT HORNED OWL was calling at Newport Reservoir on 6/19 (TM).

     On 6/16, a COMMON NIGHTHAWK was at Newton Hill between Toledo and 
Siletz (JL), and two were at Yaquina Head (BLM).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.47                  SWIFT-PURPLE MARTIN

     A pair of VAUX'S SWIFTS nested in CP's chimney in Toledo.  
Unfortunately, the nest did not remain attached to the inside of the 
chimney and fell down, but with a flashlight CP could see them hanging on 
the inside of the chimney just above the soot line.  These swifts usually 
nest in cavities in snags, and their nests may be 111-adapted to clinging 
to chimneys.

     Our most recent ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD was one near Yaquina John Point on 
5/10 (D&BM).

     Two DOWNY WOODPECKERS at the South Beach Peninsula on 6/29 (EH) are 
unusual there, as were single Downies in SW Newport during three days in 
July (RB).  A HY HAIRY WOODPECKER zagged into a MSC window on 7/7 but later 
recovered (RO); Hairies are rare there.  All these sightings probably 
represent post-breeding dispersal.

     A HY RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKER was spotted several miles up the Yachats 
River on 6/24 (D&DD).  DDi appreciated a PILEATED WOODPECKER that 
brightened up the Yachats area in June.

     HAMMOND'S FLYCATCHERS, which are a common flycatcher in coniferous 
forests but are underreported in Lincoln Co., were noted during three days 
in June at the Drift Creek Wilderness (EH) and on the 6/22 Salado Breeding 
Bird Survey (JS & DMac).

     VIOLET-GREEN and BARN SWALLOWS first hatched at some Neskowin nests on 
7/6 and 7/11, respectively (SS).  But some fledglings of both these 
swallows were out and about then at Nelscott (RGo).  The Neskowin Barn 
Swallows fledged on 7/29 before SS's eyes, but, as is typical in Barn 
Swallows, went back and forth to their nest for at least a day.

     PURPLE MARTINS appear to have nested at the MSC Lagoon again this 
summer, thanks to EH's nesting boxes.  EH found 1-3 at the MSC during six 
days in June, although he also had a few observations when none were 
visible.  On 6/27, EH saw a female leave the easternmost nesting box at the 
Lagoon and stretch as if she had been sitting a while.  RO saw two at the 
Lagoon on 7/19 (RO).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.48                    CORVIDS-THRUSHES

     On 7/10, SS saw two COMMON RAVENS chase a Red-tailed Hawk around and 
around aver Neskowin Creek and out of sight over the forest.  The ravens 
returned and circled and scolded for some time.  A SCRUB JAY visited Seal 
Rocks on 6/26 (PH, fide EH).  GRAY JAYS and BROWN CREEPERS are often missed 
in Lincoln Co. in summer, but EH found them in early and late June at Drift 
Creek Wilderness.  GRAY JAYS were also on Table Mountain on 7/2 (CP).

     On 6/20, four HY CHESTNUT-BACKED CHICKADEES were a delight to watch as 
they contemplated a shallow tray with rocks and rainwater at Sandpiper 
Village (L&LS).

     MARSH WRENS were still singing at Alsea Bay on 7/18 (JW).

     VARIED THRUSHES were singing just a few feet above sea level at 
Beverly Beach State Park on 7/10 (RB), and at low elevation at Newport 
Reservoir on 7/8 (TM).  They are not restricted to high elevations in 
summer, but along the coast appear to nest in second- or old-growth spruce.

     SWAINSON'S THRUSHES are newcomers to the MSC as a result of the 
continued growth of trees, especially in the willows just east of the 
Apartments, and some were there on 7/19 (RO).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *


     JC detected the yellow markings on the wings of one of two 
BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS at his Toledo home on 7/10.  This is our earliest report 
of them and is our first since 1989.

     WARBLING VIREOS were noted on 6/20 at the South Beach Peninsula (EH) 
and on 6/22 during the Salado Breeding Bird Survey (JS & DMac).

     The NORTHERN PARULA that DF first discovered on 6/19 at the north end 
of the Waldport Bridge was also seen on 6/20 (DF) and 6/22 (JS & DMac).

     A HERMIT WARBLER graced Yachats during the 4th of July weekend (SL).  
The first "fall" TOWNSEND'S WARBLER was at Eckman Lake on 7/22 (JW); this 
is our second earliest date for them.

     COMMON YELLOWTHROATS were conspicuous at the MSC Nature Trail and at 
the South Beach State Park on 6/23 (P&PR).

     D&DD detected our only NORTHERN ORIOLE; it was 5 miles up the Yachats 
River on 6/22.

     OBSERVERS: Range Bayer, Jim Bowers, Sara & Don Brown, Bureau of Land 
Management at Yaquina Head (BLM), Jesse Crabtree, Dike & Deirdre Dame, Don 
Dietz (DDi), Darrel Faxon, Roy Gerig (RGe), Ruth Goodrich (RGo), Eric 
Horvath, Pat Hounihan, Janet Lamberson, Sally Lockyear, Bob Loeffel, Roy 
Lowe, Don MacDonald (DMac), Kathy Merrifield, Dawson & Bobby Mohler, Terry 
Morse, Robert 0lson, Chuck Philo, Dave Pitkin, Evellyn Reed, Paul & Pat 
Reed, Shirley Schwartz, Lloyd & Luella Seabury, Jamie Simmons, Ray 
Spaulding, Jean Weakland. 

94.50                August 1994 Sandpiper 15(8)

     Abbreviations and Site Locations: Bayshore Beach (ocean beach along 
North Alsea Bay Spit), Driftwood Beach SP (State Park about 1/2 way between 
Seal Rocks and Waldport), HY=hatch-year (birds hatched this year), Idaho 
Flats=large embayment just east of the MSC, MSC=Marine Science Center, 
Sandpiper Village=residential area west of HWY 101 and just north of 
Waldport, Thiel Creek=creek just south of the Newport Airport, Thornton 
Creek=creek between Toledo and Eddyville. 
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.51                     BEWARE OF THEFT

      A local YB&N member had her telescope stolen from her van at 
Driftwood Beach SP on 8/18, even though she was only away for a few 
minutes.  There was a rash of thefts from cars in this area that day by a 
gang of very well-organized thieves.

      So beware!  You have probably heard of all the thefts from cars and 
didn't think it could happen to us locals.  Well it can.  So be careful and 
don't think that putting valuables into your trunk when you arrive at a 
park will help because you may only be showing thieves hidden in the bushes 
exactly where to break in first.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.52                      CORMORANTS-RAPTORS

      Many dead HY BRANDT'S CORMORANTS were on Colony Rock at Yaquina Head 
on 8/7 (KM).

      A late report of a GREAT EGRET in a tree at Idaho Flats on 6/7 (P&MD) 
was our latest spring record.  Now, they are rather common.  Although there 
are a few nesting records for them in Coos County, there is no indication 
that they nest in Lincoln County.

      The ODFW caught and neck-collared many of the introduced CANADA GEESE 
at Alsea Bay that are now nesting.  Consequently, many more should be seen, 
and 7 of 9 Canadas at Eckman Lake on 7/26 (L&LS) and 8/1 (KM) had neck 
collars.  If you see a neck-collared Canada, please note the number/letter 
code, date, location and number of Canadas without collars and contact Mary 
Jo Hedrick (ODFW Biologist; work 867-4741) or Range.  Your report can help 
elucidate the comings and goings of these birds.

     Two COMMON MERGANSERS floated the Siletz River near Logsden on 8/9 

     A corps of 21 TURKEY VULTURES conducted a "buzzard ballet" over Alsea 
Bay on 8/14 (JW). 

     We have had many OSPREY reports near Yaquina and Alsea Bays, but BLl 
had our only recent inland report with one at Logsden on 8/9.

     We only had two accipiter reports: a SHARP-SHINNED HAWK at Logsden on 
8/9 (BLl) and a HY COOPER'S at Seal Rocks on 8/17 (CP).

     A BALD EAGLE was a rare visitor to Sandpiper Village on 7/2 (L&LS) and 
an immature flew over the MSC on 7/28 (TM).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.53                       MOUNTAIN QUAIL-MURRELETS

     MOUNTAIN QUAIL are often difficult to see, but BLl was lucky enough to 
get good looks at two coveys between Logsden and Nashville on 8/10.

     CP had a glimpse of a probable SANDHILL CRANE flying near the Newport 
Terminals on 8/4.  We have less than 10 crane records for Lincoln County, 
and we have no previous summer record for them.

     6-7 MARBLED GODWITS were at Bayshore Beach on 8/12 (JW) 8 8/14 (DF).  
RUDDY TURNSTONES continued to put on a good show with several in the 
Waldport/Seal Rocks area in late July (L&LS; KM) and early August (D&BM; 
JW).  KM found PHALAROPES at Yaquina Head an 7/24 and Seal Rocks on 8/1.

     Two GREATER and one LESSER YELLOWLEGS posed for comparison along with 
many dowitchers on the "island" on the south end of Eckman Lake on 8/20 

     A flock of 400+ CALIFORNIA GULLS at Idaho Flats on 7/24 and 8/1 (KM) 
is typical of their annual summer influx.

     BLo and S&DB patrol 4.6 miles of beach at Thiel Creek and found 11 
adult and 47 HY COMMON MURRES in July.  HY murres are typically found 
beached each summer.

     At Yaquina Head, KM spotted an ANCIENT MURRELET on 8/7 and several HY 
PIGEON GUILLEMOTS in late July and early August.

     SS has been hearing some mystery, "screech" birds at dawn at her 
Neskowin home for some time.  Using just her radio/cassette recorder, she 
was able to make an audiotape from which the mystery birds could be 
identified as MARBLED MURRELETS.  Fancy, expensive equipment is often not 
needed to record birds well enough to be identified.

     100+ Marbled's were visible from land along the Lincoln County coast 
on 8/1 (KM).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *


       Inland in Lincoln County, there is regularly a noticeable, 
intermittent fall migration of various passerines, especially warblers.

       On 8/3, DF noted lots of HERMIT and BLACK-THROATED GRAY WARBLERS and 
flycatchers passing through the Thornton Creek area; however, DF reflects 
that the fall movement so far this year hasn't been as great as what he has 
seen in the past.

       On 8/10 at Toledo, P&MD had a warbler day with Hermits, 
Black-throated Grays, and Wilson's.  The abundance of warblers that day 
suggests that they were migrating through.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.55                   OTHER TERRESTRIAL BIRDS

     DF found two PACIFIC-SLOPE FLYCATCHER nests within 100 yards of each 
other at Thornton Creek this summer.  On about 7/11, young fledged from a 
nest in an apple tree, and, on 8/11, young fledged from the other nest, 
which was in a barn on a horse harness hanging from the wall!

       PURPLE MARTINS wander widely after their nesting season.  In early 
August, EH spotted four at his South Beach home and also over the Sentry 
Market in Toledo.  Our latest martin report so far was at the MSC on 8/17 

       This year was the first time that CLIFF SWALLOWS nested at BLl's 
Logsden home; last year was the first time they nested at the MSC, and they 
nested again there this year (RB).  On the other hand, Cliff Swallows are 
regularly at Thornton Creek, but this year only one pair was present early, 
but then another seven late pairs came in mid-July and nested (DF).

       RW got some excellent photos of a HY STELLER'S JAY at her Florence 
feeder.  Our only BROWN CREEPER report was of two at Eckman Lake on 8/11 

       AMERICAN ROBINS departed the Nelscott area as things dried out (RG), 
but they linger elsewhere.

       A pair of BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAKS visited South Beach in early August 
(SM).  A HY BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD piteously begged from a Wrentit near 
Waldport on 8/15 (JW).

       A parrot with a green back and yellow under its wings anxiously 
searched Toledo for its master (?) on 8/12 & 16 (P&MD).  It was calling 
"Come Home Grandpa!"  Believe it or not, this is our first record for 
Lincoln County!

     OBSERVERS: Range Bayer, Sara & Don Brown, Pat & Meagan Dickey, 
Darrel Faxon, Ruth Goodrich, Eric Horvath, Bob Llewellyn (BLl), 
Bob Loeffel (BLo), Sue Ellen Martin (SM), Kathy Merrifield, 
Dawson & Bobby Mohler, Terry Morse, Robert Olson, Chuck Philo, 
Shirley Schwartz, Lloyd & Luella Seabury, Ruth Warren, Jean Weakland.

94.56                September 1994 Sandpiper 15(9)

      Abbreviations and Site Locations: Bayshore Beach (ocean beach along 
North Alsea Bay Spit), Boone Slough=westernmost of two freshwater 
impoundments at railroad trestles along North Yaquina Bay Road, 
HY=hatch-year (birds hatched this year), Idaho Flats=large embayment just 
east of the MSC, MSC=Marine Science Center, MSC Lagoon=lagoon just north of 
MSC Public Parking Lot, NWR=National Wildlife Refuge, Sandpiper 
Village=residential area west of HWY 101 and just north of Waldport, Thiel 
Creek=creek just south of the Newport Airport, Thornton Creek=creek between 
Toledo and Eddyville, YBSJ=Yaquina Bay South Jetty. 
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.57                        GREBES-HERONS

     PIED-BILLED GREBES nest here but are not widespread; most migrate and 
are winter residents.  The first of the fall arrived on 8/7 at Newport 
Reservoir (TM).

40 PINK-FOOTED SHEARWATERS were seen during the 8/27 pelagic trip from 
Newport (JS et al.).

     Three HY BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS were out during the daytime 
hunting on the mudflats of King Slough on 8/21 (KM).  In Lincoln County, 
their elders only come out at night.

     GREEN HERONS have been scarce around Devils Lake this summer, as the 
only one RG saw was noted on 8/18.  2-3 were near Mike Miller Park in South 
Beach on 8/20 (TM).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.58                       WATERFOWL

     The first GOOSE flocks flying south were heard in the early morning of 
9/13 at Nelscott (RG).  On 9/18, five WHITE-FRONTED GEESE that were 
probably a family were grounded at Idaho Flats (DF); a flock flew over 
Eckman Lake calling in the darkness on 9/25 (RL).  At Eckman Lake, 31 
CANADA GEESE with neck collars were found on 8/5 (L&LS), and 17 collared 
Canadas were at Idaho Flats on 8/21 (KM).

     JB found an immature male MANDARIN DUCK X WOOD DUCK hybrid in the 
Yachats River just east of the HWY 101 bridge near the "Quiet Water" 
development on 9/4.  It was regularly coming to be fed bread in the early 
morning and at about 5 PM.  [Later in 1994, many observers thought that 
this bird was not a hybrid, but was a male Mandarin that had been molting.]

     Waterfowl arrivals: GADWALL at Seal Rocks on 8/21 (KM), 
AMERICAN WIGEON at Eckman Lake on 9/4 (KM), and GREEN-WINGED TEAL at Eckman 
Lake on 9/5 (JW).  NORTHERN PINTAIL arrived at Idaho Flats on 8/21 (KM) and 
a few days later at Eckman Lake (JW) and Siletz Bay (RG); pintails were on 
the move on 9/7, as DF noted six flocks fly just offshore of Bayshore 

     HOODED MERGANSERS nest at some Lincoln County sites, but are migrants 
or winter residents elsewhere.  They arrived at Eckman Lake on 9/2 (JW).

     At Seal Rocks, two female HARLEQUIN DUCKS were counted on 8/31 (L&LS), 
and two males and a female put on a show for the YB&N field trip on 9/18.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.59                       RAPTORS

     A calling immature BALD EAGLE flew over the Bayshore Beach area with a 
fish in its talons on 8/7 (SE).

     Two WHITE-TAILED KITES were at Boone Slough on 9/11 (CP) and 9/18 
(KM), and another two interacted at Eckman Lake on 9/15 (JW).

     A PEREGRINE FALCON graced Cape Foulweather on 9/17 (KP).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.60                         SHOREBIRDS

     MA saw eight AMERICAN AVOCETS flying across Alsea Bay on 8/28; this is 
only our second record for them.  On 8/31, KM found three at Finley NWR, 
Benton County.

     On 9/3, DA found an UPLAND SANDPIPER with an injured wing walking down 
a street near Pacific Communities Hospital in Newport; the identity was 
confirmed by RB and DF.  This is the second Lincoln County record.

     Shorebird arrivals: BAIRD'S SANDPIPER at Sandpiper Village on 8/28 
at Sandpiper Village on 8/1 (L&LS), and a juvenile PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER at 
Seal Rocks on 8/31 (L&LS).

     As part of his USFWS survey between Seal Rocks and Alsea Bay, DP found 
1400-1600 SANDERLINGS on 9/7, 12, and 26 (DP).  Near Seal Rocks, he also 
discovered a colorbanded WESTERN SANDPIPER on 9/7.  If you see a 
colorbanded bird, be sure to record if the band is on the bird's right or 
left leg, if it is above or below the bird's "knee," the color of the band 
and report it the the USFWS (867-4550).

     RUDDY TURNSTONES continued to frequent the Sandpiper Village/Seal 
Rocks area through August (L&LS), and four MARBLED GODWITS were at Idaho 
Flats on 8/29 (EH).

     A WILLET had returned to the MSC Lagoon on 8/27 (JS); this has been a 
favored location for them in recent winters.

     The YBSJ has been well populated with PHALAROPES with 1000+ 
(80% Red-necked, 20% Red) on 8/25 (BT) and 500 Red-neckeds and 300 Reds on 
8/27 (JS).  At Boiler Bay, many phalaropes were noted on 8/29 (EH) and 8/30 
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.61                          GULLS-OWLS

     A first winter FRANKLIN'S GULL was at Idaho Flats on 8/29 (EH).

     "Hawking" insects, a kettle of 50-75 gulls flew above the MSC on 8/25 
(RL)--this is our first report of this regular autumn phenomenon this fall.

     A juvenile LONG-TAILED JAEGER was at YBSJ on 8/25 (BT), and during the 
8/27 pelagic trip offshore of Newport, JS and others saw three 

     At Thiel Creek, 90 COMMON MURRE chicks washed ashore in August (BL, 
S&DB).  But their total of 137 chicks so far this year is much less than 
their July-September average of 421 in 1978-1990 (BL, S&DB).  

     The second-most abundant beached bird at Thiel Creek in August was 
RHINOCEROS AUKLETS with 17 (BL, S&DB).  On 8/21, KM counted 92 Rhinos and 
48 MARBLED MURRELETS at Yaquina Head, Seal Rocks, and Yachats.

     On 9/22, CP reported that he saw many more BAND-TAILED PIGEONS than in 
recent years in the hills; they were feeding on blue elderberries.

     In fall, owls often call a lot, and this year is no exception as we 
had many more owl reports than during the summer.  A NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL 
called at 3-4 PM on 8/13 at Eckman Lake (RL), and GREAT HORNED OWLS, 
WESTERN SCREECH-OWLS, and SAW-WHET OWLS were calling near CP's home in 
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *


     As usual, most of the action was five or more miles inland.

     On 8/27 in NE Toledo, P&MD saw 30 or so CEDAR WAXWINGS, several 

     At 5-5:30 PM on 9/3, DF witnessed the most spectacular fall passerine 
migration at Thornton Creek that he has ever seen in his 20+ years of 
watching.  There were many WILSON'S WARBLERS, and 
CEDAR WAXWINGS (including one flock of 350), several HERMIT WARBLERS, a few 

     On 9/10 in NE Toledo, CP noted many GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLETS and 
flying around and landing in his trees.  In the same area on the same day, 

     On 9/13 at Neskowin, at least 14 PACIFIC-SLOPE FLYCATCHERS landed in 
some alders but flew south when joined by a Steller's Jay (SS).

     On 9/19 in Toledo, P&MD saw a huge flock of CEDAR WAXWINGS, and, two 
days later, at Eckman Lake, JW noted 80+ CEDAR WAXWINGS crowd into the 
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *


     J&ST saw some bicolored RED-WINGED BLACKBIRDS at their Seal Rock home 
in mid-September.  These birds looked like the Bicolored subspecies that 
they had seen in central California because these blackbirds were just red 
and black; their red shoulder patch was not tipped with buff or yellow 
(e.g., see the National Geographic and new Peterson's field guides for 
drawings of the Bicolored race).  

     On p. 529 of the 1957 American Ornithologists Union Checklist, the 
Bicolored subspecies is listed as being confined to the Central Valley of 
California.  Further, on p. 606 of Gabrielson and Jewett (1940.  Birds of 
Oregon), Bicolored's are noted as being often reported in Oregon, but that 
diligent searching had not revealed any specimens that were conclusively of 
the Bicolored subspecies.  

     Gabrielson and Jewett additionally write that they had found male 
Red-wings in Oregon with little or none of the buffy edging to the red 
shoulder patch, so that they appeared bicolored.  However, they noted that 
the other characteristics of these birds were like the Northwestern or 
Nevada subspecies that occur in Oregon, not the Bicolored subspecies. 
     In conclusion, bicolored Red-wings occur here, but, to my knowledge, 
there is no evidence that the Bicolored subspecies has been documented in 
Oregon.  To do so would require careful examination of specimens by a 
museum taxonomist because the subtle differences between Red-wing 
subspecies would not be discernible by watching birds in the field.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.64                OTHER TERRESTRIAL BIRDS

     The latest VAUX'S SWIFTS were four at Neskowin on 9/13 (SS), and 
PURPLE MARTINS were last reported on 8/25 at Alsea Bay (MA).

     On 9/4, a STELLER'S JAY wedged a nut into a tree trunk in NE Toledo 
and pounded it in with his bill (P&MD)!

     About eight WESTERN BLUEBIRDS were just east of Logsden on 8/28 (CP).  
11 and 17 AMERICAN PIPITS were in the beachgrass just above the open beach 
at Sandpiper Village on 9/12 and 26, respectively (DP).

     Although some SAVANNAH SPARROWS can sometimes be found during winter 
along our coast, most appear to be summer residents.  They seem to have 
departed Eckman Lake on 8/27 (JW).

     SONG SPARROWS don't get any respect because they seem so ordinary, but 
I don't think we know as much as we think we do about their comings and 
goings.  Reading Gabrielson and Jewett (1940:591-597) gives some insights 
that not all our Song Sparrows along the coast are permanent residents and 
that some are only winter residents.  In SW Newport, RB noted fall arrivals 
on 9/17, and, at their Toledo home, P&MD found the first fall arrivals two 
days later.

     A probable LESSER GOLDFINCH was along South Yaquina Bay Road on 8/21 
(PR & BD).

     A parrot in NE Toledo, presumably the "Come Home Grandpa" one reported 
last month, has been regularly around CP's home in early September; his 
neighbor identified it as a CANURE PARROT, but they have not been able to 
coax it down to their feeders.  It was also reported in the same area on 
9/6, when it was being chased by crows (P&MD).

     OBSERVERS: Mike Adam, David Adamson, Range Bayer, Jim Bowers, 
Sara and Don Brown, Bob Demory, Pat and Meagan Dickey, Skye Etessami, 
Darrel Faxon, Ruth Goodrich, Eric Horvath, Bob Loeffel, Roy Lowe, 
Kathy Merrifield, Terry Morse, Laimons Osis, Katherine Peyton, Chuck Philo, 
Dave Pitkin, Paul Reed, Shirley Schwartz, Lloyd and Luella Seabury, 
Jamie Simmons, Jim and Shirley Thielen, Bill Tice, and Jean Weakland.

94.65                October 1994 Sandpiper 15(10)

     Abbreviations and Site Locations: Bayview Pasture=swale east of 
junction of Beaver Creek Road and North Alsea Bay Road, Eckman 
Slough=slough between Alsea Bay and Eckman Lake, Idaho Flats=large 
embayment just east of the MSC, MSC=Marine Science Center, S14&15=sections 
east of Rocky Pt. in NE Lincoln Co. at elevations up to 3,300 ft in T7S, 
R9W, Sandpiper Village=residential area west of HWY 101 and just north of 
Waldport, Thiel Creek=creek just south of the Newport Airport, Thornton 
Creek=creek between Toledo and Eddyville, YBSJ=Yaquina Bay South Jetty.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.66              BIRDS AT HIGH ELEVATIONS (ABOVE 1,500 FT)

     Much of Lincoln County is 1,500 ft or higher in elevation, but 99% of 
our observations are at sites less than 1,000 ft.  The most thorough study 
throughout the year at a high elevation site (1,400 ft) in the Oregon Coast 
Range was done in the 1930's by James Macnab, Jane C. Dirks-Edmunds, and 
others from Linfield College.  They, like many others in their time, did 
not have binoculars or good field guides.  They did not find any rarities, 
but their observations suggest that many birds are only summer residents 
there (1994 Journal of Oregon Ornithology 3:261-310).

     There have been a half dozen or so recent university studies of bird 
communities in the Coast Range during May-July, but the high elevation 
bird communities the rest of the year remain essentially unstudied.  One 
reason for this may be that birders go birding to see birds, and, 
particularly in winter, birds can be very rare at high elevations.  A 
second reason is that high elevations can be inaccessible; in early March 
1985, Phil Pickering and I hiked in on several feet of packed snow at 
elevations of 2,500 ft or more on Saddle Bag Mt., the tallest peak in 
Lincoln County, and, with great difficulty, only found seven common 

     If we are to learn more about fall and winter birds at high 
elevations, birders need to be patient and willing to regularly visit and 
systematically observe the same site(s) of known elevation over and over 
again, carefully documenting the time of their visits and the presence or 
absence of birds while perhaps only seeing a few, relatively common 
species.  Doing so is what is required to determine if there may be a 
substantial altitudinal migration in the Coast Range at elevations as low 
as 1,250-1,500 ft.  

     While we surely could use more observations at inland sites above 
1,500 ft, it is very easy to get LOST on the backroads in the Coast Range.  
In particular, do NOT rely on Metsker maps, and it is also easy to get lost 
using U.S. Forest Service and State Forestry maps.  So, even though it 
would be great if someone did a proper study of birds at high elevations in 
the Lincoln County Coast Range, please be very cautious while exploring, so 
that you DON'T GET LOST and become stranded.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.67               EDITOR'S COMMENT

     September and early October are known for being a time of fall 
vagrants, so it is not surprising that we have had our share of rare 
species this month.  What I found more noteworthy has been the prompt, 
gracious sharing of details for these rarities by many observers (DF, CP, 
EH, CL).  Such details are useful as we try to document the birdlife of 
Lincoln County.

     So don't feel picked on if you see a rarity (i.e., a species with less 
than 10 records in Lincoln Co. in the past 10 years) and are asked for 
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.68                     GREBES-CORMORANTS

     RED-NECKED GREBES typically arrive in August or early September, but 
our first report this fall was on 10/2 at Seal Rocks (KM).  Are they late?  
No, we are probably late in finding them.

     Beginning in the fall of 1991 and every fall since then, RB has 
noticed an occasional flock of DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANTS migrating south 
past Newport in V's and lines right along the shoreline.  At first glance, 
a casual observer could easily have thought that they were geese.  This 
fall, RB saw 21 passing Newport on 10/2, and RL spotted 30 flying south on 
10/8 near Thiel Creek.

     BRANDT'S CORMORANTS can sometimes be seen flying northward in summer, 
but perhaps our first report of them apparently migrating south was a flock 
of about 250 passing about a 1/4 mile offshore of Waldport on 10/3 (DF).

     BLo and S&DB weekly monitor 4.6 mi of beach by Thiel Creek, and the 
cause of death for most dead birds they find is unknown.  But a PELAGIC 
CORMORANT found entangled in fish line on 9/6 is evidence that picking up 
abandoned fish line may help save birds.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.69                           GEESE

     Migrating geese provided a good show in late September and early 
October (SS; JW; and others).  WHITE-FRONTED GEESE flew over Waldport on 
9/27 (RL) and over the MSC on 9/28 and 29 (DP & RL), and a flock flew in 
from the ocean and then east up Yaquina Bay on 10/10 (DF).

     Three different flocks of migrating Taverner's or Cackling 
CANADA GEESE flew over Eckman Lake on 10/10 (RL), and a flock of Cacklers 
appeared ready to cross the Coast Range between Waldport and Yachats on 
10/14 (RL).  

     Two White-fronts and several small Canadas were on the ground near the 
"boathouse" at SW Idaho Flats in mid- to late October (RL; BLl).  Also on 
the ground were one White-front and seven Western Canada Geese at Bayview 
Pasture on 10/10 (JW).

     The Western Canada Geese were conspicuously present at Drift Creek 
Meadows along Highway 101 by Cutler City in October (KP; PD & CC).  The 
ODFW has put neck collars on a lot of them, and these reports can provide 
important information.  For example, L&LS reported the numbers for many 
collared geese at Eckman Lake on 8/5, and 15 of these individually 
identifiable geese had moved northward to Idaho Flats by 8/21 (KM).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.70                  OTHER WATERFOWL
    Eckman Lake was our most watched spot for waterfowl and garners all 
this month's first fall arrival dates including: RING-NECKED DUCKS and 
RUDDY DUCKS on 9/28 (L&LS), scaup on 9/29 (L&LS), two female 
NORTHERN SHOVELERS on 10/2 (KM), a male EURASIAN WIGEON on 10/3 (DF), and a 

     On 9/23 at Boiler Bay, DF & RGe saw hundreds of scoters (mostly 
SURF SCOTERS) flying south, and in about a half hour at Cape Perpetua on 
10/2, KM counted 464 Surfs and 88 WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS and two BLACK 
SCOTERS flying south.  Many Surfs and White-wings were also flying south 
past Seal Rocks and Cape Perpetua on 10/16 (KM).

     On 9/23 at Boiler Bay, DF & RGe saw a flock of 80 NORTHERN PINTAIL 
passing south.  This movement of pintails was apparently not without a 
cost--two freshly dead and one live pintail were found beached at Thiel 
Creek on 9/29 and 30; finding even one there is a rarity (BLo, S&DB).

     BB has been filling in as the duck feeder at the "Quiet Water" 
development at Yachats and on 10/27 noted the gorgeous male duck that was 
previously described as a MANDARIN DUCK x WOOD DUCK hybrid.  It is 
relatively tame and putting on quite a show.  [This bird is probably not a 
hybrid, but appeared so while molting earlier in the fall.]
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.71                         RAPTORS

     Singleton OSPREY were at Yaquina Head during four days in early 
September (BLM).  A single OSPREY flew south past Newport on 10/2 (RB).  
Was it migrating?  Perhaps.  Many of us think of a visual manifestation of 
migration as being tens, if not hundreds, of birds flying purposefully 
north in spring or south in fall.  But a lesson from the many hawkwatches 
that have been conducted is that the rates of passage can be very low 
(e.g., 5-10 hawks/hour), so the singleton Osprey may have been migrating, 
but maybe not.  It is a mystery that we can argue about.

     A female NORTHERN HARRIER hunted Cascade Head on 10/1 (PD & CC), and a 
pair of RED-TAILED HAWKS perched on the same tree branch along the east 
side of Eckman Slough on 10/10 (JW).

     In early October, DH saw a live MERLIN flying around and a few days 
later one died after it flew into a window in his house (fide BLl).

     A PEREGRINE FALCON was eating carrion on North Yaquina Bay Road at 
about Milepost 7 on 10/15 (CP).  Single Peregrines were also at Yaquina 
Head on 9/18 and 24 (BLM).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.72                         RAILS-OWLS

     VIRGINIA RAILS are under-reported here, so records of them at Eckman 
Lake on 10/4 and 8 (RL) and 10/10 (JW) are welcome.

     AMERICAN COOTS arrived on 9/8 at Eckman Lake (L&LS), and RGo saw only 
three coots at Devils Lake on 9/27 but none later, even though Devils Lake 
was once a favored location for them from fall through spring.  At least 
one was also at Big Creek (Newport) Reservoir on 10/8 (PD & CC), an unusual 
site for them.

     PECTORAL SANDPIPERS lingered at Eckman Lake on 10/1 (SL) and 10/2 and 
16 (KM), and our first fall COMMON SNIPE visited Thornton Creek on 10/1 
(DF).  A snipe walked Idaho Point Road on 10/22 (CP).

     One of the signs of a warm fall day are kettles of gulls flying around 
hawking insects.  On 10/8, RL spotted a kettle of 150 gulls hawking at the 

     Two COMMON TERNS were at Boiler Bay on 9/24 (DF & RGe), and our latest 
CASPIAN TERN was at Yaquina Head on 9/21 (BLM).

     100-200 BAND-TAILED PIGEONS were about 6 miles up Alsea Bay on 10/8 
(fide BLl), and our latest was a straggler south of Toledo on 10/25 (CP).  
At Sandpiper Village, L&LS found a MOURNING DOVE until at least 9/27.

     A GREAT HORNED OWL was in the top of a tree near BLo and SL's house on 
10/6, and two NORTHERN SAW-WHET OWLS were calling simultaneously at 
Thornton Creek on 10/1 (DF).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.73              POORWILL-BLACK PHOEBE

     Near dusk on 10/6, CP discovered a COMMON POORWILL in a clearcut about 
2 mi east of Carmel Knoll (between Yaquina Head and Beverly Beach).  He 
left to telephone DF, who came and observed it for our first confirmed 
record for Lincoln County.  Perhaps there is a fall movement of them as 
Alex Walker reported a specimen collected on 10/27/1933 in Tillamook Co. 
(1934 Condor 36:178).

     Our only ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD report was for one at Yachats on 9/22 

     EH spotted an immature LEWIS' WOODPECKER atop an alder in a horse 
pasture across from the SW corner of Idaho Flats on 10/19.  We have less 
than a half-dozen records for them.

     At high elevations of S14&15 on 9/23 and 24, DF & RGe found no 
NORTHERN FLICKERS, but they were abundant at lower elevations.  The 
Linfield College studies similarly found that flickers were absent in 
winter at 1,400 ft.

     RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKERS have a fall movement at several sites.  On 
9/20, one visited Sandpiper Village (L&LS) and another drilled holes in an 
apple tree at Neskowin on 10/4 (SS).

     This appears to be the year of the BLACK PHOEBE in Lincoln County.  
One put on a long-running show this spring at Beaver Creek, and KN found 
one along the MSC Nature Trail on 10/22.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.74                   JAYS-STARLINGS

     GRAY JAYS often move through here in fall, but DF noted their passage 
at Thornton Creek in September to be more frequent than usual.  SS saw one 
whistling at Neskowin on 9/25.

     Some wrens have continued to sing.  A WINTER WREN sang as late as 
10/17 at Neskowin (SS), and a BEWICK'S WREN was singing as late as 10/19 in 
Newport (RB).

     20 WESTERN BLUEBIRDS were 10 miles inland from Yachats on 10/10 (RL), 
and a migration wave of AMERICAN ROBINS visited Eckman Lake on 10/5 (JW).

     3-4 AMERICAN PIPITS were on the boulders of YBSJ on 9/30 (JW), and 
they were also at Sandpiper Village during three days in mid-September 

     A flock of about 50 CEDAR WAXWINGS were at Thiel Creek on 10/4 (BLo) 
and Yachats on 10/17 (J&JG).

     EURASIAN STARLINGS are highly adaptable.  On 10/8, RL spotted 300 
starlings amongst the gulls flying out to catch insects at the MSC.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.75                INDIGO BUNTING-PARROT

     SR found an adult male INDIGO BUNTING in winter plumage along the MSC 
Nature Trail on 10/9; this is the second one reported in Lincoln County.

     CL found Lincoln's County's fourth CLAY-COLORED SPARROW along the 
start of the MSC Nature Trail on 10/22.  (Hey, what's with the Nature 
Trail!  For a well-used, asphalt path, it was unquestionably the SPOT for 
rarities this month!  Maybe it was the shoes . . .)

     Our first reported fall FOX SPARROW was at Sandpiper Village on 9/24 
(L&LS), and a few days later one visited Yaquina John Point, south of 
Waldport (JW).

     Many DARK-EYED JUNCOS and PINE SISKINS were at S14&15 on 10/9 (DF & 
CP).  They have also been abundant at Seal Rocks (S&JT) and Toledo (J&DC).

     The first fall WESTERN MEADOWLARK was at Oregon Coast Aquarium in 
mid-October, and another was at the YBSJ on 10/27 (BLl).

     The first fall LAPLAND LONGSPUR was on a logging road about 2 mi 
inland from Carmel Knoll, north of Yaquina Head on 10/11 (CP).  They are 
rare that far inland in Lincoln County.

     The CANURE PARROT of "Come Home Grandpa" fame was last reported in 
north Toledo on 9/25 (P&MD).

     OBSERVERS: BLM (Bureau of Land Management staff at Yaquina Head), 
Betty Bahn, Range Bayer, Sara and Don Brown, Jesse and Doris Crabtree, 
Cheri Crosby, Pat and Meagan Dickey, Darrel Faxon, Jim and Janice 
Gerdemann, Roy Gerig (RGe), Ruth Goodrich (RGo), David Hesse, Eric Horvath, 
Cindy Lawes, Bob Llewellyn (BLl), Sally Lockyear, Bob (BLo) and Shirley 
Loeffel, Roy Lowe, Kathy Merrifield, Kim Nelson, Katherine Peyton, 
Chuck Philo, Dave Pitkin, Skip Russell, Shirley Schwartz, 
Lloyd and Luella Seabury, Shirley and Jim Thielen, Jean Weakland.

94.76                 November 1994 Sandpiper 15(11)

     Abbreviations and some site locations: Bayshore Beach=ocean beach 
along North Alsea Bay Spit, Idaho Flats=large embayment just east of the 
MSC, MSC=Marine Science Center, Sandpiper Village=residential area west of 
HWY 101 and just north of Waldport, Thiel Creek=creek just south of the 
Newport Airport in south South Beach, YBSJ=Yaquina Bay South Jetty.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.77                 LOONS-CORMORANTS

     Seasonal arrivals include a YELLOW-BILLED LOON at the YBSJ on 11/21 
(JLu) and 11/26 & 27 (CL), and an EARED GREBE at Sallys Bend on 10/30 (KM).  
An Eared at the YBSJ on 11/16 (RO) is a rarity there.

     The storms of October were not good for NORTHERN FULMARS as BL & S&DB 
found 11 beached near Thiel Creek during the month.

     Continuing last month's movement, several DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT 
flocks were migrating south along the Lincoln Co. coast on 10/30 and 
11/2-20 (RL; RB) and along the Tillamook Co. coast on 11/7 (RL).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.78                           GEESE

     It seems like a lot of small CANADA GEESE & other geese have been 
"falling out" this fall.  RL saw an adult Taverner's land near him in the 
dune grass along the MSC Nature Trail on 11/1.  Two Cacklers (including the 
one with the E66 neck collar) remained near the SW corner of Idaho Flats 
with two WHITE-FRONTS on 10/30 & 31 (RL).  A SNOW GOOSE was at Ona Beach 
State Park on 11/19 (SJ et al.).

     On 11/6, KP saw a Canada walking around the grass at Whale Cove.  The 
introduced Western Canada Goose is the most conspicuous goose here, and a 
flock of about 125 were flying NORTH on 11/24 (RB).  Prior to their 
introduction in 1983, seeing ANY Canada Geese on the ground in Lincoln 
County was uncommon, if not rare.  Now, we have Canada's flying north in 
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.79                    OTHER WATERFOWL

     A TUNDRA SWAN flew over Seal Rocks on 11/15 (J&ST), two adults & two 
immatures were on a Beaver Creek pasture on 11/15 (LO), and a flock of 13 
were seen migrating southeast across the Coast Range on 11/20 at the end of 
the YB&N field trip.

     A TRUMPETER SWAN was reported at Drift Creek Meadows near Cutler City 
on 11/3 (BT, JLu; fide DF), but distinguishing Trumpeter's and Tundra's is 
not very easy here because of the documented presence of extra-large 
Tundra's along the Oregon Coast.

     Eckman Lake is very productive for waterbirds in October and November, 
and this year was no exception with a good variety of waterfowl this fall 
(MA; L&LS; KM; PD & CC; 11/20 YB&N field trip).

     Fall arrivals include a pair of REDHEADS at Newport Reservoir on 10/29 
(TM) and 10 BRANT at Idaho Flats on 11/1 (RL).  On 11/13, 17 Redheads and 
155 Brant were at Sallys Bend and Idaho Flats (KM).

     For some reason, BARROW'S GOLDENEYES seem to prefer Alsea Bay over 
other Lincoln County estuaries.  On 11/15, JW found a male and two females 
at the Alsea Dock, a favored spot for them.  No others were noted.

     As many as 11 HARLEQUIN DUCKS (including as many as 8 drakes) were at 
Seal Rocks during seven days in October (L&LS).  Only one was noted in 
October (10/8) at Yaquina Head (BLM).

     65 RING-NECKED DUCKS at Eckman Lake on 10/30 (KM) is a large 
concentration for Lincoln County.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.80                       RAPTORS

     A RED-SHOULDERED HAWK was at Drift Creek near Gorton Road near Cutler 
City on 11/6 (SR).  One was also seen in the same area this spring.

     Three ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS were interacting in hills between Depoe Bay 
and Siletz on 10/28 (BL).  Two flew at each other, pecked at one another, 
started falling, then grasped each other's talons, and then started falling 
together in a whirling fashion like a maple leaf.  They dropped out of 
sight, so that BL couldn't see what happened.  Presumably, they gave up 
playing "chicken" ("hawk" ?) before they crashed.  Rough-legs have been 
rare here in recent years.

     WHITE-TAILED KITES first became regular in Lincoln County in about 
1979, but we have no records of nests or eggs for them.  However, JSt saw 
three together this fall at Hidden Valley between Newport and Toledo where 
he previously usually only saw 1-2 at a time, so they may have nested there 
this year.

     An OSPREY and a TURKEY VULTURE between Toledo and Newport on 11/13 
(AF) are late.

     We have had a lot of MERLIN reports this month: 10/29 at Toledo (CP), 
10/31 at Waldport (CC), 10/30, 11/6 & 12 in SW Newport (RB); 11/14 at 
Siletz Bay (JLe), and 11/15 at the MSC (RO).

     1-2 PEREGRINE FALCONS were noted at Yaquina Head during 15 days in 
October (BLM). 

     AMERICAN KESTRELS were not reported.

     A COOPER'S HAWK was between Toledo and the town of Siletz on 10/30 
(CP), and one perched and put on a good show for the YB&N field trip at the 
NW corner of Alsea Bay Bridge on 11/20.

     One immature SHARP-SHINNED HAWK was at Eckman Lake on 9/27 (MA); a 
probable sharpie was at Thiel Creek on 11/1 (BL).

     An immature BALD EAGLE was chased by gulls near the mouth of Thiel 
Creek on 11/11 (LO), and possibly the same eagle perched on a South Beach 
power pole, where it was harassed by crows on 11/15 (S&DB).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.81                   SHOREBIRDS-ALCIDS

     BLACK OYSTERCATCHERS sometimes flock here in winter.  On 11/19, SJ et 
al. found 13 at Seal Rocks.

     Two ROCK SANDPIPERS were at Boiler Bay on 11/11 and at Seal Rocks on 
11/12 (AF).  RUDDY TURNSTONES were noted as late as 10/12 at Seal Rocks 

     A STILT SANDPIPER reported on 11/12 at Eckman Slough (L&LS) is 
extraordinarily late as well as being rare here.

     Many DOWITCHERS that were probably all Long-billed's were noted at the 
"island" on the south end of Eckman Lake on 11/11 (PD & CC) and 11/20 (YB&N 
field trip).

     COMMON SNIPE don't seem so common here anymore, but L&LS noted snipe 
at Eckman Lake on 10/27 & 28, and AF found one somewhere in Lincoln County 
on 11/11.

     RED-NECKED PHALAROPES were noted five days in mid-October at Yaquina 
Head (BLM).

     Our latest HEERMANN'S GULL report was at Sandpiper Village on 10/25 
(L&LS) and Cape Perpetua on 10/30 (KM); some usually remain to about 11/25.

     The latest CASPIAN TERN lingered at Yaquina Head on 10/9 (BLM).

     Along their 4.6 mi of beach at Thiel Creek, BL and S&DB found 
26 CASSIN'S AUKLETS beached in October.  DP also noted many dead Cassin's 
in late October along a Tillamook County beach (fide RL).

     ANCIENT MURRELETS continue to be regular, if not sometimes abundant, 
here in winter: 7 were at Boiler Bay on 11/11 (AF) and 50-75 were at 
Yaquina Head on 11/21 (JLu).

     RL heard MARBLED MURRELETS calling in the early morning in a forest 
near Yachats on 10/30.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.82                    DOVE-BLACK PHOEBE

     MOURNING DOVES generally don't overwinter here, but at least one 
continued to linger at Sandpiper Village through October (L&LS).  Our most 
recent BAND-TAILED PIGEON was at Toledo on 11/1 (J&DC).

     RL noted that NORTHERN PYGMY-OWLS have been calling in many inland 
areas this winter, and he heard them near Yachats on 10/30.

     Our second COSTA'S HUMMINGBIRD record was first noted near Yaquina 
Head on 11/10 (ES) and confirmed on 11/12 (AF); this male has been noted by 
many (SJ, GG, and Corvallis Audubon field trip; JLu) and most recently 
reported on 11/27 (CL).  The earlier record was of a male at Yaquina Bay 
State Park on 12/28/1984.

     ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRDS are the hummers to be expected here in winter and 
are fairly frequent within about a half mile of the coast.  The were noted 
in mid-October at Sandpiper Village (L&LS) and in November near Yaquina 
Head with the Costa's (many observers).

     RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKERS continue their fall visitation to some sites; 
they were at Neskowin (Tillamook Co.) on 10/23 (SS) and South Beach on 
11/16 (S&DB).

     A BLACK PHOEBE had been visiting S&DB's South Beach feeder for about a 
month as of 11/13.  Prior to 1993, we only had two records for them.  This 
year, we have had at least one spring and two fall records.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.83                           BLUE JAYS

     We get a lot of reports of jays that are blue ("blue jays"), but these 
refer to the Steller's Jay or, more rarely here, the Scrub Jay.  This fall, 
we had our first Lincoln County record of the eastern BLUE JAY.  MF found 
one at her Bayshore Beach feeder on at least 11/10 (fide DF); it was last 
reported there at about 10 AM on 11/12 (AF).  Also on 11/12, L&VO saw & 
videotaped a Blue Jay at 1 PM at their Thiel Creek home, about 9 miles 
north & 3 hr later than the last report at Bayshore Beach. 
     It is certainly possible that the Bayshore jay could have flown 9 mi 
to the the Osis's feeder within 3 hr, but I have my doubts.  Unfortunately, 
observation effort to see if the Bayshore Blue Jay may still be somewhere 
in that area has ceased because the one at L&VO's is putting on such a good 
show for many observers (e.g., DF; JLu; JSi) and was seen as recently as 
11/27 (CL).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *


     SS reports that a MOUNTAIN CHICKADEE (which is rare for the Coast) was 
at her Neskowin home on 11/7.

     RED-BREASTED NUTHATCHES have been using JW's Waldport feeder this year 
for the first time.  RW has also noted them at Florence (Lane Co.), and 
they were also at J&DC's Toledo feeder.  Their presence here waxes and 
wanes, and perhaps this is a winter when this irruptive species is more 
abundant than usual.

     A BROWN CREEPER clung to the siding of SS's Neskowin home in the early 
morning of 11/6 & 7.  Perhaps this may be the same one that often roosted 
overnight at her place last winter.

     Creepers are often overlooked here and so are AMERICAN DIPPERS.  KM 
watched two dippers singing and flying up and down Fall Creek in eastern 
Lincoln County on 10/30.

     CP saw a TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRE about 2 mi east of Carmel Knoll (which 
is between Yaquina Head and Beverly Beach State Park).  They (along with 
Gray Jays) appear to spread to the coast in winter. 

     We haven't had a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD in a while, but JLu and his 
daughter found one at the MSC on 11/21.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.85               SHRIKE-HOUSE FINCH

     NORTHERN SHRIKES have become uncommon here in recent years, but one 
was reported at the MSC Nature Trail on 11/3 (BT, JLu; fide DF).

     The first PALM WARBLER of the winter was at the MSC on 11/4 (RL); on 
11/11, one was visible in the dunes south of the YBSJ, and another was 
along the MSC Nature Trail (AF).

     On 11/11, AF found a male WHITE-THROATED SPARROW singing at the south 
end of the MSC.

     For the third winter in a row, S&DB have an albino DARK-EYED JUNCO 
show up at their South Beach feeder.  At first it was hard to identify, but 
it had the size, shape, and behavior of a junco, and has some spotting on 
its back.  During the first winter, it was timid, and easily displaced by 
other birds, but this winter it is much more assertive.

     Some SLATE-COLORED DARK-EYED JUNCOS are occasionally here every 
winter, but there have been few reports this winter.  One was in SW Newport 
on 11/24 (RB).

     Another fall arrival is the GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROWS on 10/8 near 
Eckman Lake (MA) and Florence (RW).

     WESTERN MEADOWLARKS are generally found during winter right along the 
coast; for example, the BLM found one at Yaquina Head on 10/1, L&LS found 
at least one at Sandpiper Village on 10/16, and TM saw another at the MSC 
on 10/28.  The two inland at Toledo on 11/13 (CP) are unusual.

     Male HOUSE FINCHES here are usually red, but we occasionally have 
orangish or yellowish variants that result from birds not getting enough of 
the right pigments in their diet.  On 11/12, CC detected an orange one at 

     OBSERVERS: Mike Adam, BLM (Bureau of Land Management staff at Yaquina 
Head), Range Bayer, Sara & Don Brown, Jesse & Doris Crabtree, Cheri Crosby, 
Pat & Meagan Dickey, Darrel Faxon, Anthony Floyd, Marjorie Freeman, 
Greg Gillson, Scott Johnson, Cindy Lawes, Janet Leonard (JLe), Bob Loeffel, 
Roy Lowe, John Lundsten (JLu), Kathy Merrifield, Terry Morse, Robert Olson, 
Laimons & Vicki Osis, Katherine Peyton, Chuck Philo, Dave Pitkin, 
Skip Russell, Eva Schultz (sp. ?), Shirley Schwartz, Lloyd & Luella 
Seabury, Jamie Simmons (JSi), Joe Steenkolk (JSt), Jim & Shirley Thielen, 
Bill Tice, Ruth Warren, Jean Weakland.

94.86                   December 1994 Sandpiper 15(12)

     Abbreviations and some site locations: Bayview Pasture=field east of 
junction of Beaver Creek Road and North Alsea Bay Road, MSC=Marine Science 
Center, MSC Lagoon=lagoon just north of MSC Public Parking Lot, Sallys 
Bend=large embayment east of the LNG tank at Yaquina Bay, Sandpiper 
Village=residential area west of HWY 101 and just north of Waldport, Thiel 
Creek=creek just south of the Newport Airport south of South Beach, 
Thornton Creek=creek between Toledo and Eddyville, and YBSJ=Yaquina Bay 
South Jetty.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.87                    GREBE-WATERFOWL

     An EARED GREBE was at Sallys Bend on 11/27 (CL).  A concentrated flock 
of 32 at Yaquina Head on 12/11 (KM) is probably the largest flock for 
Lincoln County!  In winter, they are more often found in the Sallys Bend 

     A TUNDRA SWAN on Siletz Bay on 12/5 (RL) is unusual as are some swans 
on the ground south of Toledo in mid-December (fide CP) and two adult and 
two immature swans on Alsea Bay on 12/27 (JS).

     Two EMPEROR GEESE were at Netarts Bay (Tillamook Co.) on 12/13 (RL & 
DP) and later.

     A small, probable Cackling CANADA GOOSE about gull-size was consorting 
with the gulls at the north side of the Yachats River mouth on 12/6 (PR), 
12/10 & 11 (SL), 12/11 (KM), and 12/24-28 (BB).  Large, Western Canada's 
with neck collars were near the llama farm along North Yaquina Bay Road [at 
about Milepost 7.5] on 12/10 (PD & CC).

     In early December, two male MALLARDS were seemingly paired with two 
female NORTHERN SHOVELERS in a pond south of Seal Rocks (J&ST).

     At the YBSJ, SR spotted a male OLDSQUAW on 11/23, RH found a male on 
12/14, and DF saw one flanked on either side by an adult male 
HARLEQUIN DUCK in late November.  What a sight!

     Also at the YBSJ, 2-4 HARLEQUINS were viewed on 11/23 (JS), 11/26 
(CL), and 12/3 (KM).  L&LS saw up to 15 Harlequins at Seal Rocks during 
eight days in November.  DF also reported a male Harlequin at Thornton 
Creek on 11/12, which is a first for that site and the furthest inland one 
has been reported in Lincoln County.

     The male MANDARIN DUCK was still at Yachats on 12/25 (BB), and we had 
a chance to view BB's pictures of it at the December 20 meeting.  BB 
reports that it is becoming more brazen and is even bossing the larger 

     WOOD DUCKS are overwintering at one of their haunts where they are fed 
south of Newport (L&LS).

     On 12/5, RL counted 792 RUDDY DUCKS at Devils Lake; this is their 
largest concentration at any Oregon coastal site during USFWS aerial 

     1-2 BARROW'S GOLDENEYES were discovered at Eckman Lake on 11/10 (L&LS) 
and at Alsea Bay on 12/10 (MA) and 12/27 (JS); as to be expected, none have 
been reported elsewhere in Lincoln County so far this winter.

     Four male and one female REDHEAD were noted at Eckman Lake on 11/27 
(RL; KM), but their favorite haunt seems to be Sallys Bend, where KM saw 27 
on 11/27, and RL counted 25 on 12/5.

     HOODED MERGANSERS continued to be concentrated at Eckman Lake, with a 
dozen there on 12/8 (OW).  
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.88              RAPTORS-COOT

     An AMERICAN KESTREL was at the Cape Foulweather Gift Shop on 12/8 
(KP), another was at Beaver Creek on 12/18 (JW), but, again, we had fewer 
kestrel reports than for the other falcons.

     Two PEREGRINE FALCONS were playing by repeatedly gliding down the hill 
into the wind from the Newport Elks towards the Embarcadero on 12/15 (CP)!  
Singleton Peregrines and MERLINS were seen during at least three days in 
December in SW Newport (RB).

     Accipiters were mainly reported along the coast.  A SHARP-SHINNED HAWK 
was at Sandpiper Village on 11/5 (L&LS), Waldport on 12/3 (MA), and near 
Newport Airport on 12/7 (BLo).  A COOPER'S HAWK visited Sandpiper Village 
on 11/13 (L&LS) and SW Newport on 12/18 & 21 (RB).

     An OSPREY at Eckman Lake on 12/9 (RL) is late.

     One adult BALD EAGLE waterlogged from all the rain was perched on a 
tree by the Fall Creek Fish Hatchery near the Alsea River on 11/25 (RL); it 
may have been feeding on salmon carcasses as we have a few scattered 
reports of them doing so in the Logsden area.  An immature Bald Eagle was 
perched on a beached fish along a beach near Thiel Creek on 12/4 (LO).

     Devils Lake used to be AMERICAN COOT "heaven," but far fewer have been 
there in recent years.  On 12/5, RL only found 80 there.
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.89                 SHOREBIRD HIGH TIDE ROOSTS

     As well as often being frequented by waterfowl (particularly geese), 
Bayview Pasture often serves as a winter high-roost site for shorebirds at 
Alsea Bay; on 12/18, JW estimated that 100 BLACK-BELLIED PLOVERS were 
     The Drift Creek field near Gorton Road southeast of Cutler City serves 
as a shorebird high-tide roost for Siletz Bay; on 11/23, JS found about a 
hundred Black-bellied's there, as well as about 15 KILLDEER.  

     I know of no such high-tide roost near Yaquina Bay, although they were 
once reported to be doing so near the beach about 1/2 mile south of the 
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.90               OTHER SHOREBIRDS-ALCIDS

     BLACK OYSTERCATCHERS sometimes flock in winter, and L&LS saw 27 at 
Seal Rocks on 11/27.  It is not clear if these are migrants or just 
aggregations from other local areas.
    Ten GREATER YELLOWLEGS were at Beaver Creek on 12/18 (JW); they seem to 
avoid estuaries in winter.

     Two WILLETS were near the MSC on 11/23 (SR), and one was at the MSC 
Lagoon on 12/3 (KM).  The Lagoon has been their favorite location the past 
few winters.

     Two ROCK SANDPIPERS were at the YBSJ on 11/23 (SR), and two 
LONG-BILLED CURLEWS were espied at Netarts Bay on 12/13 (RL & DP).

     On 12/7, RL found a RUDDY TURNSTONE near Yachats; they are uncommon to 
rare here in winter.  The same day, RL also watched a weak RED PHALAROPE 
near Waldport that was probably a victim of all the storms.

     An adult BLACK-LEGGED KITTIWAKE was at the mouth of the Yachats River 
on 11/27 (KM).  Our latest report of a BONAPARTE'S GULL was of one at 
Yachats on 12/11 (KM); a first-winter GLAUCOUS GULL was also there the same 
day (KM).

     A winter-plumaged PIGEON GUILLEMOT visited the YBSJ on 12/11 (KM).  
They used to be very rarely seen during winter, but in recent years they 
have been more commonly discovered.

     MARBLED MURRELETS sometimes come inland during the winter.  SS heard 
them flying over her home near Neskowin (Tillamook Co.) on 11/13, 11/24, 
and 12/9.

     About 20 ANCIENT MURRELETS were at Boiler Bay on 11/23 (JS), and 12 
were at Yaquina Head on 12/11 (KM).

     The high mortality of CASSIN'S AUKLETS continued with 38 found along 
4.6 mi of beach near Thiel Creek in November (BLo, S&DB).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.91                  PIGEON-FLICKER

     Two BAND-TAILED PIGEONS at BB's Yachats feeder on 12/26 are the latest 
ever reported in Lincoln County.

     MOURNING DOVES were still noted at Sandpiper Village throughout 
November (L&LS), but there were no reports elsewhere, although we have 
had November records in a few other years.

     A SHORT-EARED OWL in a field near Edenfield Dairy between Newport and 
Toledo on 12/21 (DF) is a good find because they are sparse here.  PS & DCo 
admired a NORTHERN SAW-WHET OWL at Beaver Creek on 12/2, and a 
GREAT HORNED OWL was calling at Yachats on 12/7 (BB).

     Some people have gone to see the COSTA'S HUMMINGBIRD at the 57th 
Street feeder at Agate Beach and have only seen ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRDS.  Some 
birders may have mistakenly thought that an Anna's they saw was a Costa's, 
so some skeptics have doubted that a Costa's was present at all.  But after 
three visits of seeing only Anna's, DF saw a male Costa's on his 4th trip 
on December 13 and didn't think it was an aberrant Anna's.  Patience is 
sometimes required in finding birds and in judging sightings.

     A YELLOW-SHAFTED NORTHERN FLICKER graced Neptune State Park (Lane Co.) 
on 12/6 (PR); they seem to be scarcer than usual this winter.  On 11/14, 
two NORTHERN FLICKERS tried to get the remaining berries on SS's holly tree 
near Neskowin and put on a show.  SS writes: "They are big birds, and the 
ends of the branches do not support them.  They are trying every way they 
can to get the berries, and they even snap at the berries in mid-air.  One 
hung by his beak, later by one foot, and still later he hung on with both 
feet, upside down like a chickadee!"
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.92              BLUE JAY-THRUSHES

     The BLUE JAY in the Thiel Creek neighborhood (especially 9540 SE 
Cedar) has continued to linger (LO, BLo, and others) but may also be 
roaming as FS saw one several blocks away at 253 SE 126th Drive on 12/4.  
On 12/11, LO spotted the Blue Jay, a STELLER'S JAY, and a GRAY JAY at or 
near his feeder at the same time!  Now if only a Scrub Jay had 
appeared . . .

     A few AMERICAN CROWS with white on the underpart of their wings 
continue to grace the Seal Rocks area in early December (J&ST).

     The first HERMIT THRUSH of the season was at Thornton Creek on 11/8 
(DF), another was at Seal Rocks in early December (J&ST), and one was near 
Thiel Creek on 12/28 (JS).  They are uncommon in winter.

     With the advent of cold weather, VARIED THRUSHES spread into more 
lowland locations and arrived at PR's Newport home on 12/5, at LO's Thiel 
Creek home on 12/11, and at BB's Yachats home in mid-December.  They have 
been busy flipping alder leaves with their bills while hunting for food at 
Neskowin (SS).
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     *

94.93                PIPIT-LESSER GOLDFINCH

     Two AMERICAN PIPITS lingered in dunes near Sandpiper Village on 11/3 

     One PALM WARBLER was amongst many YELLOW-RUMP WARBLERS at the YBSJ on 
12/17 (SR).

     CP found a LARK SPARROW south of Toledo on 12/23; it appears to be our 
first since 1984.

     A few WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS are usually present every winter 
somewhere along our coast, but the first ever at CP's Toledo home arrived 
on 12/4.  Another was at Thornton Creek on 10/24 (DF).

     Several races of DARK-EYED JUNCOS can occur here.  Perhaps the 
Slate-colored form is the most conspicuous, and one was around with an even 
rarer PINK-SIDED DARK-EYED JUNCO in late November at Thornton Creek (DF).  
To complete the junco bonanza, a GRAY-HEADED DARK-EYED JUNCO was at J&DC's 
Toledo feeder on 10/24.

     It has been a good year for WESTERN MEADOWLARKS sightings at a variety 
of sites: at least one at Sandpiper Village on 11/23 (L&LS), one at YBSJ on 
11/23 (JS), 18 in grassy field south of the Newport Airfield runway on 12/7 
(BLo), five at SE Harmony Street in Waldport on 12/11 (RB), 2-10 in 
Waldport near Eckman Lake on 12/3 & 10 (MA), and 20 near the "One Spot" 
locomotive near Toledo Port Docks on 12/20 (fide CP).  They used to be a 
welcome winter visitor to South Beach Peninsula, but perhaps all the human 
activity there in recent years has not been to their liking.

     A LESSER GOLDFINCH at Yaquina Head on 11/23 (SR) is only our second 
record of them in late fall or winter.

     OBSERVERS: Mike Adam, Betty Bahn, Range Bayer, Sara & Don Brown, 
Dave Compton (DCo), Jesse & Doris Crabtree, Cheri Crosby, Pat Dickey, 
Darrel Faxon, Rich Hoyer Jr., Cindy Lawes, Sally Lockyear, 
Bob Loeffel (BLo), Roy Lowe, Kathy Merrifield, Laimons Osis, 
Katherine Peyton, Chuck Philo, Dave Pitkin, Paul Reed, Skip Russell, 
Shirley Schwartz, Lloyd & Luella Seabury, Patty Shreve, Jamie Simmons, 
Frank Srp, Jim & Shirley Thielen, Jean Weakland, and Orr Wieman.
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